Risk Information
The principal risks that may materially affect the financial condition, operating results or cash flows of the Konica Minolta Group (the “Group”) are described below. These risks are not necessarily exhaustive and the Group may be affected in the future by other risks that we do not anticipate or that we believe to be immaterial.
All forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of the Group in light of information available as of March 31, 2024.
1. Risks Related to Economic Conditions
1) Economic Trends and Market Environment
We provide MFPs and digital printing systems, healthcare equipment, genetic diagnosis, drug discovery support, measuring instruments, optical materials, optical systems, products and components for industrial use, display materials, and related services to customers around the world. Sales and profits in these businesses are significantly affected by economic trends in each country.
In the fiscal year, with the international situation growing increasingly unstable and uncertainty rising, the global economy continued to decelerate in the second half of the year. The economic environment became increasingly severe due to concerns of a global economic downturn caused by soaring energy and food prices worldwide, and monetary tightening in Europe, the U.S. and other countries, among other factors.
The U.S. economy remained strong, underpinned by stable employment and favorable household financial conditions due to rising wages amid ongoing monetary tightening. However, there are concerns about the risk of an economic recession due to financial instability caused rising long-term interest rates and the deteriorating commercial real estate market.
In addition, the European Union (EU) economy slowed due to constraints and soaring prices on energy supplies, due to the situations in Ukraine and in Israel and Palestine, as well as rising prices for other goods, and concerns about the risk of an economic recession due to monetary tightening.
The Chinese economy stagnated due to a long-term real estate market slump, sluggish consumer spending resulting from the aftermath of the zero-COVID policy, and infrastructure investment restraints. Financial instability caused by the slumping real estate market has not been resolved, as the risk of bankruptcy of major real estate companies is increasing, and concerns remain about the impact this may have on future economic recovery.
Looking ahead, the global economy is expected to face adverse effects from geopolitical risks such as the situation in Ukraine and tensions between the U.S. and China, as well as from monetary tightening by major countries around the world. In particular, if financial instability expands in the U.S. and EU, it could have a significant impact on economic activity. Furthermore, efforts to strengthen economic security in the U.S. involve heavy investments in strengthening its own technologies, primarily semiconductors, while moves to prevent the outflow of advanced technologies to foreign countries could accelerate. Such moves raise concerns about a major impact on existing supply chains, especially for advanced technologies and critical materials.
If these risks materialize and stall economic activity across different countries, it could lead to customers cutting back on investment and changing spending behavior. This in turn could adversely affect the Group’s operating results and financial position in the future, including decreases in new equipment purchases beyond expectations, declining sales prices due to intensifying competition, and inventory buildup.
2) Exchange Rate Fluctuation
As indicated by the high percentage of overseas revenue, we are expanding our business globally and are significantly affected by exchange rate fluctuation. In addition, there are fluctuation risks of the yen value of our assets and liabilities arising from transactions denominated in foreign currencies, and the translation differences of foreign operations arising from financial statements of foreign subsidiaries. With regard to the euro, if the exchange rate fluctuates to a depreciation of ¥1, an increase in profits in Europe would have a positive impact on operating profit of approximately ¥0.4 billion. Similarly, if the renminbi were to depreciate by ¥1, it would have a positive impact on operating profit of approximately ¥1.0 billion due to increased earnings in China. On the other hand, with respect to the U.S. dollar, if the yen weakens by ¥1, there would be a negative impact of approximately ¥0.1 billion on operating profit due to an increase in procurement and manufacturing costs, and so on.
2. Risks Related to Business Activities
1) Risks Related to Environmental Changes of Printing in Digital Workplace Business
Mainly in developed countries, the medium for sharing information rapidly shifted from paper to digital devices such as tablets and smartphones. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic, has accelerated the adoption of remote work, hybrid work, and digital workflows across companies globally, leading to a continued decline in demand for office printing. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), the total global electrophotographic print volume in 2025 is projected to be about 30% lower than it was in 2019, before the pandemic. While color prints are expected to remain at 82.9% of 2019 levels, monochrome prints are projected to drop to 63.0%. Although some believe that the decline in print volume may eventually level off, the exact level or timing of this stabilization is currently unclear. Under these circumstances, if we are unable to respond swiftly to future changes in customer behavior, it could adversely affect the Group’s operating results.
2) Regulations in Each Country and Region
Many of the Group's business activities are conducted outside of Japan, such as North America, Europe and Asian countries, and are affected by legislation, regulations and approval procedures specific to the country or region. We always pay close attention to economic trends, such as increases in mutual tariffs triggered by trade friction between the U.S. and China, and restrictions on technological exports. However, in the future, if regulations by governments or international frameworks, such as taxation, import and export controls, currency controls, regulations on protection of personal information, digital tariffs, and various other rules, are newly introduced or changed, costs may be incurred to respond to them or the business activities may be hindered.
In particular, in the Healthcare Business, we are affected by various healthcare systems and licensing procedures in each country. If the healthcare system reform or other factors causes unpredictable and large-scale changes in healthcare administration policies, and if we are unable to respond quickly to those changes, the Group’s operating results could be adversely affected.
3) Next-generation technological change
There is a risk that the business environment could undergo significant changes due to evolving mid- to long-term global trends, such as the rapid spread of generative AI and new environmental laws and regulations. Amid these changes, being at the forefront of technological innovation is a key source of competitive advantage for our Group. However, competitors may develop and deploy similar or alternative technologies ahead of us. In addition, if we are unable to identify innovative technologies as targets for development, which can give us a competitive advantage, from a global and broad perspective, and provide them to the market quickly and flexibly, our operating results could be adversely affected, including the loss of our positions in the market in the future.
4) Transition to New Products
Our operating fields are those in which the functions required for products and services are rapidly generalized due to rapid technological advances in hardware and software, and we need to improve the performance, the content, and the functions of our services even within the product life cycle. For this reason, we constantly take on the challenge of developing innovative technologies in order to respond to customer and market needs with investing in a large amount of resources in R&D. But the transition to new products and services is inherently subject to many risks. For example, delays in development or production, quality issues in the early stages of mass production, fluctuation of production cost, the impact of new product introductions on current product sales, or procurement of semiconductor, components and materials could adversely affect our operating results.
In addition, our operating results may be adversely affected by the timing of launching new products and services in the market by our competitors, such as the advanced introduction of products and services similar to ours by the competitors.
5) Collaboration with Other Companies, and Acquisitions, etc.
From the perspective of enhancing our business competitiveness or effectiveness, we are pursuing collaborations with other companies, equity alliances and corporate acquisitions.
Accompanying acquisitions, the Company has recorded goodwill and intangible assets, and conducts periodic impairment tests. We may recognize impairment losses if changes in the business environment result in anticipated declines in future cash flows related to the acquired companies, which could adversely affect our operating results and financial condition.
6) Procurement, and Production, etc.
In the Group's mainstay businesses, such as Digital Workplace Business, Professional Print Business, and Industrial Business, we continue overseas manufacturing activities to strengthen cost-competitiveness and supply products swiftly to the market. One of the Group's key operating bases is in China, where economic development is accompanied by ongoing legislative revisions and infrastructure improvements. Nevertheless, there is a possibility of unpredictable legal changes, difficulties in labor policies, rising labor costs, and changes in import and export regulations, taxation systems, environmental regulations, problems related to Taiwan, and other situations. Moreover, the Group is concerned about the business impact of changes to laws and revisions to taxes and regulations in China and other countries. The risk of rising worker wages due to minimum wage hikes in each country, caused by rising living costs and global inflation, could lead to higher production costs. The Group’s operating results and growth strategies could be adversely affected if it is unable to address these risks in its production activities.
The Group has adopted a procurement policy to source certain products, parts, materials, and energy from multiple suppliers worldwide. However, unforeseen situations at these suppliers or natural disasters, such as earthquakes, could adversely affect our ability to produce and supply products.
The Group's financial performance could be affected by rising prices for raw materials, such as steel, aluminum, and other metals, petrochemical products made from crude oil, rare earths, and other rare natural resources used in the Group's manufacturing activities, as well as energy prices.
7) Global Supply Chain
Many of our Group's production and sales activities are conducted outside of Japan, and our supply chain is also expanding globally. Logistical issues in each country and region could spill over to our Group's entire global supply chain, which could delay our supply and adversely affect our Group's results.
We produce many products in China and ASEAN countries and supply them globally from there. If activity restrictions occur again in China and ASEAN countries due to a new infectious disease pandemic or similar events, bottlenecks and congestion in port and airport cargo handling could cause logistics delays, posing a major risk to the supply of our sales bases.
On the other hand, in the U.S. and European countries that are our important export destinations, prolonged and failed labor negotiations at major ports resulting in strikes, continued restrictions on passage through the Panama Canal due to water shortages, and disruptions in passing through the Suez Canal (such as detouring around the Cape of Good Hope) have led to extended supply lead times and a protracted rise in container transportation costs. As a result, inventory shortages at sales bases could occur, leading to lost sales opportunities due to delivery delays to customers, which could adversely affect the Group’s operating results.
In addition, the risk of extended supply times and higher logistics costs due to the “2024 problem” could impact our operating results.
Note that the “probability of occurrence” has been changed from “medium” to “high” as there continues to be no clear prospects for reopening the Red Sea-Suez Canal route due to the situation in Israel Palestine.
8) Responsibilities for Products and Quality
Our domestic and overseas Group companies and subcontractors have established a rigorous quality assurance system to provide our customers with high-performance and reliable products and services. In the unlikely event of a defect in our products or services, there is a possibility that the Group could incur liability of damages resulting from the defect and we could incur significant costs to measure the defect. In addition, this issue could damage corporate and product brands and adversely affect operating results.
3. Other Risks
1) Human Rights
While Konica Minolta conducts business globally, it relies on many parts and materials suppliers in Southeast Asia. If human rights are not fully respected throughout the supply chain, issues such as child labor, forced labor of migrant workers, or excessively long working hours may arise. Such incidents could adversely affect the Group’s operating results by disrupting production and sales activities and damaging its corporate and product brands. In addition, with the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) by the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2011, countries have been formulating national action plans on business and human rights. For example, the UK has enacted the Modern Slavery Act, and Germany has enacted a law on corporate due diligence in the supply chain. Recently, the EU has adopted the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and reached a political agreement on a proposed regulation banning the distribution of products produced under forced labor within the EU and their export outside the EU. Laws and regulations in various countries are being increasingly strengthened. If the Group incurs costs to comply with these laws and regulations, or if it spends time and resources on internal preparations to ensure compliance, or if it is unable to address unexpected situations, it could adversely affect the Group’s operating results.
2) Severe Earthquakes, Natural Disasters, Infectious Diseases, etc.
We have R&D, procuring, manufacturing, sales, and other bases in various countries around the world, and are expanding our business activities globally. Earthquakes, fires, large-scale disasters associated with climate change such as typhoons, floods, and forest fires, the outbreak of major infectious diseases, or acts of war, terrorism, cyber-attacks, etc. could cause damage to our facilities, etc. It may cause temporarily operational shut down and delay in production and shipments, which could adversely affect our financial performance.
Although we continue to promote disaster prevention measures and business continuity management, in such the event, the continuation of the Group's business activities may be affected by the suspension of providing services to customers or the product shipments, etc. due to functional stoppages, damage to facilities, supply suspensions of electricity, water, gas, etc., shutdowns of public transportation or communication methods, or damage to the supply chain, etc.
3) Climate Change and Environmental Regulations
In the event of a global transition to a low-carbon society, environmental laws and regulations may become stricter, leading to additional obligations and costs. Increased stakeholder demand for renewable energy could result in lost investment and sales opportunities, potentially damaging the corporate brand.
In addition, reduction of paper output in offices, and increasing manufacturing and procurement costs due to the use of alternatives to fossil fuels or fossil resources, among other things, could affect the Group's results.
On the other hand, if the physical impact of climate change becomes apparent around the world, damage to forest resources from climate disasters could lead to unstable procurement of raw materials for paper and could lead to the loss of business opportunities for the Group. In addition, when chronic impacts of climate change, such as changes in climate patterns, occur, the supply of raw materials, etc., may be restricted or suspended temporarily, thereby causing temporary shutdowns at our sites or suppliers, delaying production and shipments.
In addition, the Group is subject to various environmental laws and regulations relating to air pollution, water pollution, removal of hazardous substances, waste disposal, chemical substances in products, product recycling, containers and packaging, and soil and groundwater contamination, and we invest the necessary management resources to comply with them. However, we may incur costs or be subject to environmental liabilities associated with our current and past activities in production, development, and marketing.
4) Intellectual Property Rights
The Group accumulates a great deal of technologies and much know-how in the product and service development process and strives to acquire intellectual property rights to protect them. However, in some regions and countries, systems to protect and operate intellectual property may be inadequate, and we may not be able to prevent third parties from manufacturing and selling similar products using the Group's intellectual property rights.
In addition, the Group develops products and services without infringing on the rights of other companies. However, we may be alleged to infringe on the intellectual property rights of other companies due to differences in views, and this may affect the development and sales of the Group’s products and services, or the Group could be found liable for heavy compensation for damages. In addition, the use of the intellectual property rights currently licensed by third parties to the Group could be discontinued in the future or changed to unreasonable terms.
5) Retaining Human Resources
We recognize that the continuous acquisition of excellent human resources is essential for the future growth driven by new businesses in the Group.
The acquisition of IT human resources, especially advanced technology AI specialists, is highly competitive, and since the industry is not limited to Japan but global in scale, such specialists are not easily enticed by compensation alone, so it is increasingly important to sell them on the company’s appeal and the added value of working there. If we are unable to enhance the appeal and added value of working for the Group, securing human resources could become more difficult.
6) Information Security
In recent years, the methods of cyber-attacks targeting companies have become increasingly advanced and sophisticated. Among these, there have been numerous incidents both in and outside Japan where user account login credentials are stolen to infiltrate centrally managed corporate networks. In these attacks, administrative authority is seized, and unauthorized operations are performed, and the risk of such cyber-attacks is increasing.
In the Group as well, if administrative authority were seized in a cyber-attack, unauthorized operations could result in critical information security incidents such as the Group’s confidential information including technology, trade secrets, and personnel matters being leaked to third parties or misused. Such events could adversely affect the Group’s operating results.
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