Cash Flow

*We adopt International Financial Reporting Standards

The download file contains financial data for the past 10 years


(millions of yen)

  • Full Year
  • Quarter
Cash flows from operating activities     
 Profit before tax 284-20,000-23,617-101,87213,566
 Depreciation and amortization expenses77,10577,56875,75475,29575,774
 Impairment losses and reversal of impairment losses3,07485610,951116,6681,231
 Share of (profit) loss of investments accounted for using the equity method 255-12-96236
 Interest and dividend income-4,503-4,065-3,256-3,753-3,032
 Interest expense9,2797,8666,5659,14412,805
 (Gain) loss on sales and disposals of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets3,3941,0761,6979391,861
 (Increase) decrease in trade and other receivables-22814,9213,995-14,00726,534
 (Increase) decrease in inventories-23,19713,783-17,301-46,87838,820
 Increase (decrease) in trade and other payables-4,842-4,8492,1412,305-24,261
 Decrease in transfer of lease assets-7,505-4,907-4,017-5,279-7,263
 Increase (decrease) in retirement benefit liabilities-2,376-2,510-2,748-2,646-15
 Dividends received676645622640585
 Interest received3,9253,5592,5663,2652,984
 Interest paid-9,066-8,415-6,499-8,909-12,973
 Income taxes paid-15,709-2,957696-8,003-5,895
 Net cash flows from operating activities30,14878,06037,43813,31983,338
Cash flows from investing activities     
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment-36,625-25,674-41,261-21,770-27,262
 Purchase of intangible assets-12,928-14,523-19,784-19,009-17,864
 Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets3,9933,9551,086948922
 Purchase of investments in subsidiaries-6,368-5,069--806-1,409
 Sales of investments in subsidiaries--2,155--
Proceeds from sales of investments accounted for using the equity method-663---
 Purchase of investment securities-388-237---
 Proceeds from sales of investment securities1,5378,6426,1624,7092,693
 Proceeds from transfer of business--2,077--
 Payments for transfer of business-325-771-38-89-112
 Net cash flows from investing activities-50,043-34,330-50,999-37,498-44,534
Cash flows from financing activities     
 Increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable11,68037,82757,879114,153-55,541
 Proceeds from bond issuance and long-term loans payable30,93725,85110,670133,84140,292
 Redemtion of bonds and repayments of longterm loans payable-20,862-42,763-32,314-131,546-27,793
 Repayments of lease liabilities -18,764-20,534-19,206-20,251-21,593
 Purchase of treasury shares-2-734---
 Cash dividends paid-14,876-9,921-14,877-12,424-13
 Payment of dividends to non-controlling interests-----120
 Payment of dividends to non-controlling shareholders-21-23-23--
 Proceeds from stock issuance to non-controlling interests ---470-
 Payments for acquisition of interests in subsidiaries from non-controlling interests--2,786---32,082
 Proceeds from sales of investments in subsidiaries without loss of control---78-
 Net cash flows from financing activities-11,910-13,0852,12584,321-96,853
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents-3,1233,2745,2832,7607,107
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents-34,92933,921-6,15262,904-50,942
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year124,83089,901123,823117,670180,574
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year89,901123,823117,670180,574129,631
Q4 12M
Q2 6M
Q3 9M
Cash flows from operating activities    
 Profit (loss) before tax 13,566-1,842-10,025-28,537
 Profit (loss) before tax from Discontinued Operation---21,510
 Depreciation and amortization expenses75,77418,85637,25756,704
 Impairment losses and reversal of impairment losses1,231---
 Share of (profit) loss of investments accounted for using the equity method236---
 Interest and dividends income-3,032-889-1,593-2,473
 Interest expenses12,8053,1086,0659,153
 (Gain) loss on sales and disposals of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets1,8611508771,922
 (Increase) decrease in trade and other receivables26,53418,2579,18618,615
 (Increase) decrease in inventories38,820-591-2,728-21,377
 Increase (decrease) in trade and other payables-24,261-22,767-598-2,688
 Decrease due to transfer of rental assets-7,263-1,804-3,583-5,231
 Increase (decrease) in retirement benefit liabilities-1533-196-11
 Dividends received585125158295
 Interest received2,9848411,3792,203
 Interest paid-12,973-3,809-6,177-9,762
 Income taxes (paid) refunded-5,895-2,095-3,491-5,601
 Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities83,338-7,97127,77129,489
Cash flows from investing activities    
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment-27,262-6,137-12,472-19,824
 Purchase of intangible assets-17,864-3,244-7,540-11,349
 Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment, and intangible assets9225971,0071,159
 Purchase of investments in subsidiaries-1,409-235-315-699
 Proceeds from sales of subsidiaries -9,3449,3449,344
 Proceeds from sales of investment securities2,69348011
 Payments for transfer of business-112---
 Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities-44,534-273-11,040-22,787
Cash flows from financing activities    
 Increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable-55,541-6,038-37,789-9,671
 Proceeds from bonds issuance and long-term loans40,292-27,33327,374
 Redemption of bonds and repayments of long-term loans payable-27,793-130-11,753-27,548
 Repayments of lease liabilities -21,593-5,796-11,110-16,667
 Cash dividends paid-13-2,282-2,350-2,352
 Payment of dividends to non-controlling interests ----158
 Proceeds from stock issuance to non-controlling interests -414141
 Payment of dividends to non-controlling interests-120---
 Payments for acquisition of interests in subsidiaries from non-controlling interests-32,082---
 Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities -96,853-14,208-35,630-28,985
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents7,1074,560-1,6101,677
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents-50,942-17,893-20,510-20,606
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period180,574129,631129,631129,631
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period129,631111,738109,121109,025

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