IR News 2020
- 2020.12.24Topics
- Konica Minolta Publishes Medium-Term Sustainability Strategy 2022 and Five New Material Issues
- 2020.12.24Release
- Konica Minolta Given the Highest Evaluation by CDP and Included on the Climate A List 2020
- 2020.12.24IR Materials
- Intellectual Property Report 2020
- 2020.12.23Release
- Konica Minolta Listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for Nine Consecutive Years
- 2020.12.23Release
- Konica Minolta to Launch a New Patient Monitoring System, VS1, Helping Hospitals for Anticipated Covid-19 Surge
- 2020.12.15Release
- Konica Minolta Receives the 2020 Minister of the Environment’s Award for Climate Action
- 2020.12.10Topics
- Konica Minolta Wins 2020 China Red Star Design Award for the bizhub C3350i/C3300i
- 2020.12.02Release
- Notice Concerning the Continuation and Partial Revision of the Stock Compensation System
- 2020.11.27Release
- Konica Minolta’s Sensing Business Unit Enters into Hyperspectral Imaging Business and Expand Business to Safety, Security and Environmental Science Fields as New Strategic Growth Areas
- 2020.11.26IR Materials
- Integrated Report 2020
- 2020.11.26Release
- Konica Minolta Announces the Group's Medium- to Long-term Management Strategy
- 2020.11.19Release
- Konica Minolta Opens Innovation Garden OSAKA Center, a Cooperation and Development Center for Imaging IoT/AI Technology
- 2020.11.19Release
- Konica Minolta Releases FORXAI, the Imaging IoT platform
- 2020.10.29Release
- Notice regarding full-year financial results forecast, interim dividends and divident forecast
- 2020.10.29Financial Results
- Presentation Slides for 2Q / March 2021 Consolidated Financial Results
- 2020.10.29Financial Results
- 2nd Quarter Financial Results for FY ending March 31, 2021
- 2020.10.21Release
- Konica Minolta Launches “Connected Dome” Business Strategy to Bring DX to the Planetarium Industry
- 2020.10.21Topics
- Konica Minolta With You, Inc. Receives the Governor of Tokyo Award among Excellent Company Awards for Employment of Persons with Disabilities
- 2020.10.14Release
- Konica Minolta Develops a Video Monitoring System to Contribute to Preventing the Spread of Infectious Diseases in Cooperation with Panasonic i-PRO Sensing Solutions
- 2020.10.08Release
- Konica Minolta Wins Good Design Award 2020 for Four Designs
- 2020.10.08Topics
- Konica Minolta Withdraws From drupa 2021 While Engaging With Customers in New and Creative Ways
- 2020.10.02Release
- Konica Minolta Increases Stake in MGI Digital Technology
- 2020.09.30Topics
- Konica Minolta Earns Recognition from IDEA
- 2020.09.14Release
- Konica Minolta Contributes to UCSF to Support Clinical Trial for Remote Jaundice Monitoring and Management
- 2020.09.09Topics
- Minolta 7000 Registered as Essential Historical Material for Science and Technology
- 2020.09.08IR Materials
- Corporate Governance Report
- 2020.08.31Release
- Konica Minolta Named to All ESG Indexes Adopted by the GPIF and Included in the FTSE4Good Index Series for 17 Consecutive Years
- 2020.08.31Release
- Konica Minolta Works with GROOVE X to Develop AI Technologies to Improve the Physical Expressivity of LOVOT Home Robot
- 2020.08.25Release
- Konica Minolta Selected Under the DX Stock 2020 Program
- 2020.07.31Release
- Konica Minolta to Achieve the Carbon Minus Goal in 2030, Ahead of the Original Target Year of 2050
- 2020.07.30Financial Results
- Presentation Slides for 1Q / March 2021 Consolidated Financial Results
- 2020.07.30Financial Results
- 1st Quarter Financial Results for FY ending March 31, 2021
- 2020.07.16Release
- Konica Minolta Launches KOTOBAL Multilingual Translation System in Japan
- 2020.07.01Shareholders' meeting
- Notice of Resolutions of the 116th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
- 2020.07.01Shareholders' meeting
- Results of Shareholders Voting Rights at the 116th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
- 2020.06.29Release
- Konica Minolta Works on Decreasing COVID-19 Infection Risks by Non-contact Surface Temperature Measurement
- 2020.06.24Topics
- Notice on Konica Minolta’s Response to COVID-19
- 2020.06.22Release
- Konica Minolta Launches Kunkun dental, a VSC Odor Visualization Tool
- 2020.06.08Shareholders' meeting
- Notice of Convocation of the 116th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
- 2020.06.03Topics
- Konica Minolta Donates Face Shields to Toyokawa City
- 2020.05.26Financial Results
- Presentation Slides for FY2020 Financial Results Briefing Session
- 2020.05.26Financial Results
- Financial Results for FY ended March 31, 2020
- 2020.05.26Release
- Notice on Reduction and Voluntary Return of Executive Remuneration
- 2020.05.20Release
- Konica Minolta to Support COVID-19 Studies with High-End Personal Computers at Planetarium in Tokyo during Closure
- 2020.05.12Release
- Notice regarding revisions of the forecasts for the consolidated financial results and dividends for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020
- 2020.05.11Topics
- Efforts to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 in the Field of Intellectual Property
- 2020.05.08Release
- Notice regarding postponement of the announcement of the consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020
- 2020.05.08Release
- Konica Minolta Announces Executive Changes
- 2020.04.30Financial Results
- Financial Results for FY ending March 31, 2020
- 2020.04.17Release
- Konica Minolta responds to COVID-19 with initiatives to support front-line employees and professionals
- 2020.04.15Topics
- Notice on Konica Minolta’s Response to COVID-19
- 2020.03.30Topics
- Konica Minolta Wins Red Dot Award 2020, a Globally Prestigious Design Award, for the bizhub i series, Next-generation MFPs
- 2020.03.26Release
- Group Company Employee in Japan Tested COVID-19 Positive
- 2020.03.25Release
- Konica Minolta Planetariums in Tokyo: Closure Extended
- 2020.03.19Topics
- Response to Novel Coronavirus in Konica Minolta Group
- 2020.03.13Release
- Konica Minolta Planetariums in Tokyo: Closure Extended
- 2020.03.12Release
- Konica Minolta and NEC strengthen cooperation to promote DX by utilizing local 5G
- 2020.03.11Release
- Konica Minolta Included in the Health & Productivity Stock Selection
- 2020.03.10Release
- Konica Minolta Receives Grand Prize for Environmental Report
- 2020.03.10Topics
- Konica Minolta earns GOLD Level Recognition Medal in EcoVadis Sustainability Ratings for 4th straight year
- 2020.03.02Release
- Konica Minolta Announces Director Candidates and Executive Changes
- 2020.03.02Topics
- Konica Minolta AccurioLabel Series Hits 500th Milestone in Total Shipments
- 2020.02.27Release
- Konica Minolta Planetariums in Tokyo to Close Temporarily
- 2020.02.21Topics
- Konica Minolta Encourages Working Remotely in Japan
- 2020.02.17Topics
- Konica Minolta Wins the iF DESIGN AWARD 2020, for the SONIMAGE MX1, a Diagnostic Ultrasound System, and the Cosmo Leap Σ, an Optical Planetarium
- 2020.02.14Topics
- Effects of Coronavirus in China on Konica Minolta (Update)
- 2020.02.14Release
- Konica Minolta Donates Ultrasound Diagnostic Devices to Hospitals in Wuhan
- 2020.02.05Topics
- Konica Minolta’s IR Site Wins Gold Status in Gomez IR Site Ranking
- 2020.02.03Financial Results
- Presentation Slides for 3Q / March 2020 Consolidated Financial Results
- 2020.02.03Financial Results
- 3rd Quarter Financial Results for FY ending March 31, 2020
- 2020.01.31Topics
- Effects of Coronavirus in China on Konica Minolta
- 2020.01.30Topics
- Intellectual Property Report 2019
- 2020.01.22Topics
- Konica Minolta Opens a Webpage Dedicated to ESG (Non-Financial) Information on its Investor Relations Site
- 2020.01.21Release
- Konica Minolta Listed among Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World for the Third Time and the Second Consecutive Year
- 2020.01.21Release
- Konica Minolta Achieves Goal of Sourcing 100% Renewable Electricity in Its MFP Production Site in China
- 2020.01.01Release
- 2020 New Year’s Greetings from Shoei Yamana, President and CEO
IR Newsletter

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Period : 01/02/2025 to 28/02/2025