Cautionary Statement

In addition to historical facts, this Web site contains information regarding KONICA MINOLTA's plans, strategies, and performance forecasts. All statements have been made based on current information believed to be reasonable at the time the statements were made.

KONICA MINOLTA's actual performance may differ materially from the forecasts on this site due to unforeseen changes in the Company's operating environment in Japan or abroad. In accordance with the laws and stock exchange regulations requiring the disclosure of trading information, KONICA MINOLTA has implemented the Timely Disclosure Information System (TDnet) and is providing financial statements and special reports for investors' perusal.

KONICA MINOLTA has taken great care in the preparation of these materials but is unable to guarantee that errors have not occurred. The Company is not responsible for any damage incurred as a result of action taken based on the information published on the site. In addition, KONICA MINOLTA reserves the right to alter the site's content without notice.