About Konica Minolta
- What does the Konica Minolta logo represent?
- The logo uses the symbol and the stylized company name to express the value that the Konica Minolta brand provides to its customers.
- What are Konica Minolta's main businesses and what are its strengths?
- By cultivating our four core technology fields, we have continued to leverage both our brand and our rich technological heritage to shift our business model toward market opportunities in higher value, higher margin areas.
- When was the company established?
- December 22, 1936
About Konica Minolta stock
- What is the company’s stock code?
- 4902
- When was the company's stock first listed?
- May 16, 1949 (Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section)
Announcement of financial results
- What is the Konica Minolta Group's schedule for financial results announcement?
- After determining the announcement date for financial results we will then upload this information on the website's IR Calendar as soon as possible. Following the announcement the Group's financial statements will be uploaded to the website.
After holding a results briefing we will also upload presentation materials used at the briefing to the website.
Business management
- Where can I find information on Konica Minolta’s historical financial performance?
- Please refer to the “Financial Data by Year” page in the “Investor Relations” section of the Konica Minolta website. Data is provided in html, PDF, and Excel formats.
It is also possible to download the past 10 years of data in Excel format.Select the desired file format from the icons on the left of each page.
- What is Konica Minolta's policy regarding profit sharing?
- The policy regarding resolutions on the payment of dividends from retained earnings, etc. calls for the basic approach of making a comprehensive evaluation of consolidated performance and funding requirements for promoting strategic investments in growth fields while seeking to sustain shareholder returns. Regarding the specific dividend target, the Group is aiming to sustain a dividend payout ratio of 25% or higher over the medium-to-long term. With respect to the acquisition of treasury stock, the Company intends to make appropriate decision regarding treasury stock acquisition as a means of profit distribution while giving due attention to such factors as the Company's financial condition and stock price trends.
- Can you outline current Konica Minolta Group's business plan?
- Please refer to the following page for the latest management policy.
Corporate governance
- Please explain about Konica Minolta's corporate governance system.
- The Konica Minolta Group believes that strengthening corporate governance is a vital part of fulfilling its responsibilities to stakeholders. With the aim of increasing corporate value, the Group has created a management and governance structure that allows more timely and suitable decision making on matters such as restructuring and more organizational flexibility in the face of market change.
In 2000, Konica Minolta introduced an executive officer system, and clarified the separation of functions between the directors that supervise management decisions and the executive officers that execute management decisions, which has resulted in an increase in management execution speed. Moreover, the Group is striving to improve the transparency and soundness of management by strengthening the supervisory function of the Board of Directors. In 2002, Konica Minolta also began appointing outside directors to its board, which has increased the objectivity of its supervisory function. At the time of the management integration in 2003, the Group adopted a holding company framework based on a company-with-committees system. In addition, we reorganized the management system by merging seven companies in the Group in 2013 to further speed up initiatives to increase corporate value. At the same time, we switched from a holding company to an operating company framework.
Through these management and governance systems, Konica Minolta has improved shareholder value and corporate value by strengthening its business and responding to the diverse expectations of society.For more information:
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
- What is Konica Minolta Group's approach to CSR?
- The Konica Minolta Group recognizes CSR efforts as an integral part of its management. The Group strives to live up to the trust and expectations of society by actively engaging in activities that fulfill its responsibility for preserving the global environment as well as for its various stakeholders.
Konica Minolta has adopted "the creation of new value" as its management philosophy. This term refers not only to the values of a product's convenient function or usability, but also to the fact that the Group seeks to identify and realize the values needed by the times in which we live, based on the three dimensions of the economy, the environment, and society.
Based on this management philosophy, the Konica Minolta Group Charter of Corporate Behavior was established to provide guidelines by which Konica Minolta would transform itself while interacting with society and work to make more contributions to society. Each and every person that works for Konica Minolta is developing CSR efforts through various aspects of the company's business activities in accordance with the Charter of Corporate Behavior.
Please visit our Social Responsibility section for more information
IR Newsletter

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Period : 01/02/2025 to 28/02/2025