About Konica Minolta

Material Issue 4

Addressing Climate Change


Social and Environmental Issue Outlook for 2030

Under the Paris Agreement, the entire world could transition to a low-carbon society at an accelerated and ambitious pace. However, there are concerns that the necessary changes will not happen fast enough, leading to harsh impacts from climate change. If and when a low-carbon society is achieved, the energy structure of entire industries will have changed significantly, including the widespread use of renewable energy and dramatic energy savings. Conversely, if dire climate change predictions materialize, rising sea levels will submerge coastlines and damage biodiversity. There will also likely be frequent severe weather events, such as typhoons and hurricanes, which could have a significant impact onboth industries and people's lives.
In order to transition to a low-carbon global society, there needs to be a fundamental change in how energy is used, which means conventional workflows must be dramatically reformed. In addition, it is vital to build an industrial structure that can withstand severe weather events in case dire climate change predictions materialize.

Climate-related Financial Information Disclosure(TCFD)

Opportunities for Konica Minolta to create value, and risks to be minimized


Through Konica Minolta businesses
  • Reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions of customers and society by providing manufacturing process solutions
  • Promoting a paperless and ubiquitous computing society by providing solutions for work style reform

Internal action to create value
  • Contributing to dramatic CO2 emissions and cost reductions by helping business partners to reduce their environmental impact using DX technology


Affecting Konica Minolta
  • Soaring energy prices, increased material costs due to raw material shortages, and supply instability
  • Greater use of paperless systems due to rising energy prices and raw material shortages
  • Supply chain disruptions due to abnormal weather



Social/Environmental Impact Major Stakeholders
  • Reducing the risks of natural disasters by addressing climate change through business operations
  • Reducing environmental impact by transforming customers’ manufacturing processes and workstyles
  • Reducing CO2 emissions by streamlining logistics and reducing product size
  • Global environment
  • Local and global communities
  • Customers
  • Business partners
  • Increasing GHG emissions through business operations
  • Global environment

Vision for 2030 and Medium-Term Plan

Vision for 2030: Reduce CO2 emissions by Konica Minolta while expanding CO2 emissions reductions at corporate clients and suppliers.

Related SDGs:

Themes Indicators Results Targets
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025
Reducing Energy Usage and CO2 Emissions by Transforming Customer Processes Social and environmental value
Amount of contribution to CO2 reduction*2 (thousand tons)
578 585 624 631 630 690 800
Economic value
Solution sales (billion yen)
51 56 76 84 89 97 100
Energy Usage and CO2 Emissions Reduction Related to Konica Minolta Sites, Business Partners, Products and Services Reduction of environmental impact of Konica Minolta production sites*1 Social and environmental value
Reduction of CO2 emissions through energy conservation (thousand tons)
4 12 18 11 6 17 21
Economic value
Monetary equivalent of energy reduction (million yen)
79 270 450 410 280 630 800
Social and environmental value
Amount of CO2 reduced through procurement of renewable energy (thousand tons)
7 10 20 3 3 13*4 55
Reduction of environmental impact through the use of Konica Minolta products and services Social and environmental value
Reduction of CO2 emissions*1 (thousand tons)
14 25 53 19 22 30 35
Economic value
Sales from green products*3 (billion yen)
676 597 777 773 - - 735
Reduction of environmental impact at suppliers using DX*1 Social and environmental value
Amount of contribution to CO2 reduction (thousand tons)
1.1 2.8 6.4 2.2 1.8 4.2 4.8
Economic value
Monetary equivalent of energy reduction (million yen)
16 43 103 46 42 95 110
Targets and results have been revised retrospectively to fiscal 2020 figures as the method of calculating the effects of measures was changed in fiscal 2021. Targets for FY2024 and FY2025 have been revised based on FY2023 results.
Cumulative reductions for each medium-term business plan period from FY2020 - FY2022 and FY2023 - FY2025. The reduction effects of measures implemented from the first fiscal year of each period to the relevant fiscal year are summed up for each fiscal year.
Contribution to CO2 reduction: Volume of CO2 emissions reduced at customers, business partners and the broader society
Green Products: Name changed from Sustainable Solutions in FY2023. Konica Minolta will push forward in solving social and environmental issues by defining and certifying solutions that contribute to addressing those issues and expanding sales.
In our disclosure for fiscal year 2024, an error was discovered, so the figures have been revised.

Click here to see Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

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Konica Minolta's Approach

With the formulation of its Medium-Term Business Plan 2025, Konica Minolta has declared it will achieve Carbon Minus status by 2025, five years earlier than its previous target of 2030.

As its business shifts from products to services through DX, Konica Minolta will shift its Carbon Minus initiatives to activities that leverage DX as well. Konica Minolta will help transform the conventional business model of mass production and disposal by supporting clients with on-demand production, imaging IoT technology, and other efforts, while helping to minimize energy use in the digital society.

Leveraging digital transformation (DX) technologies, Konica Minolta will pursue collaboration with even more corporate clients and business partners, taking on the challenge of promoting broad-scale environmental impact reduction. The company aims to achieve sustainable growth dramatically expanding its contribution to the reduction of environmental impact while improving financial performance. This will be done by utilizing digital technology to introduce the Carbon Neutral Partner Activities that provide business partners with Konica Minolta environmental expertise, and by promoting the Environmental Digital Platform launched in June 2020.

Businesses: Reducing Energy Usage and CO2 Emissions by Transforming Customer Processes

●Reducing energy usage and CO2 emissions in customer business processes through on-demand printing and production

●Streamlining gas leak inspection work and compliance activities related to global warming prevention regulations

●Collaborating with customers globally through the Environmental Digital Platform, a DX-based ecosystem

Internal Action: Energy Usage and CO2 Emissions Reduction Related to Konica Minolta Sites, Business Partners, Products and Services

●Reducing environmental impact and costs at Konica Minolta sites

●Reducing environmental impact and costs at business partners using DX

●Reducing the environmental impact of products

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