About Konica Minolta

Konica Minolta’s Environmental Activities

Creating Products and Solutions to Solve Environmental Issues
(Green Products Certification System)

Background and Issues

Given growing concern about environmental and social challenges such as climate change and economic disparity, people’s values are shifting from pursuing material wealth to helping to improve the quality of society. By understanding the evolving values of society and contributing solutions, Konica Minolta is able to continue to provide competitive solutions that enhance its profitability.


While working to provide solutions that help solve challenges faced by customers and society as a whole, Konica Minolta also aims to encourage the widespread adoption of these solutions by broadly promoting their value. By taking initiatives like these, which also contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Konica Minolta strives to help build a sustainable society, earn social confidence, and achieve sustainable growth along with the broader society as a company of choice.
As one key measure to achieve this vision, Konica Minolta has been implementing its Green Products Certification System since 2011. By defining solutions that help to resolve social and environmental issues, certifying products and services, and using this process to grow sales, the Group is helping to resolve social and environmental issues from an SDG perspective.

Key Measures and KPIs

Reduction of energy use and CO2 emissions achieved by reforming customer business processes

(Unit: thousand tons)

KPI  Result   Target   
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025
Reduction of environmental impact through the use and procurement of Konica Minolta products and services*1 14 25*3 53*3 19 22 30 35
Resources saved and recycled resources used in Konica Minolta products 12 12*3 12 13 13 14 14
Reduction of CO2 emissions in society through Konica Minolta Products and solutions 578 585*3 624 630 630 690 800
Customer’s contribution to reducing the consumption of natural resources*2 through Konica Minolta products and solutions 320 320 340 360 360 390 430

Targets and results have been revised retrospectively to fiscal 2020 figures as the method of calculating the effects of measures was changed in fiscal 2021. Targets for FY2024 and FY2025 have been revised based on FY2023 results.
* 1 The figures represent the accumulated cumulative reduction effects for each mid-term plan period from FY2020 to FY2022 and FY2023 to FY2025. The reduction effects of measures implemented from the first year of each period to the relevant fiscal year are summed for each fiscal year.
* 2 Natural Resources:Resources that require new drilling or mining, such as crude oil or mineral resources, and are generally synonymous with depletable resources.
* 3 The figures for FY2021 and FY2022 were incorrect and have been corrected.

Initiatives in Certification System

Konica Minolta has integrated its business strategy and pursuit of sustainable management, and is convinced that true value creation that helps resolve social issues is the foundation for growing its business. To this end, the company is raising the energy-saving functions of its products and helping to reduce CO2 emissions during their use by customers. It is also reforming customers’ manufacturing process and workstyles to create products and solutions that resolve social and environmental issues from the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Under the Green Products Certification System, Konica Minolta has designated certification criteria for environmental issues for which it seeks a solution. It sets criteria for each of the business and product characteristics and assesses the products that meet these standards with a three-step ranking. This system is designed to promote the creation of products and solutions that reduce environmental impact and help to solve social issues from the perspective of the SDGs.
Konica Minolta has developed the Green Products Certification Standards for the certification process, which define the decarbonization of products and the sustainability of raw materials in detail, ensuring fairness and consistency for certified products. The company also provides on-site training to enhance the environmental value of products, focusing on decarbonization and raw material sustainability.
These certification standards were reviewed and updated to align with the Medium-Term Business Plan 2025. The updated certification system (shown in the figure) promotes the creation of products that further contribute to solving social issues.

Green Products Certification System

Products that Contribute to Material Issues

In addition to solving environmental issues, Konica Minolta is creating products and solutions that contribute to solving social issues for each of its businesses based on the five material issues identified.
In the Professional Print Business, the automatic quality optimization unit IQ-501, which contributes to improved work performance at printing sites, and digital printers that improve productivity by transforming work processes from analogue to digital and contribute dramatically to energy and resource use reduction, are certified as solutions that address material issues.
In the Healthcare Business, the Company develops sustainable solutions such as genetic testing solutions and compact, lightweight digital X-ray devices that contribute to patient health and quality of life through the early detection of diseases. In the Industry Business, we consider solutions that similarly contribute to social and environmental issues such as HitomeQ Care Support, which helps to improve productivity and time saving at nursing care sites, and gas-monitoring solutions, which prevent greenhouse gas leaks and contribute to safety and security at sites.

  Digital Workplace Business Professional Printing Business Healthcare Business Industry Business
Improving fulfillment in work and corporate dynamism ・Office solutions ・IQ-501
>Production printers
・Textile printers
  >Nursing care solutions
>Automatic behavior analysis
>Hyperspectral imaging
Supporting healthy, high-quality living     >Genetic testing technologies
・Digital X-ray system / Diagnostic ultrasound system
Ensuring social safety and security       >Gas monitoring solution
Addressing climate change ・MFPs >Production printers
・Textile printers
  >Gas monitoring solution
>Hyperspectral imaging
Using limited resources effectively ・MFPs >Production printers
・Textile printers
・Digital X-ray system / Diagnostic ultrasound system >Hyperspectral imaging
・Spectrophotometer / Luminance meter
・Functional materials
・Ultra-thin TAC films
・IJ Components

Fiscal 2023 Activity Results

Fiscal 2023 sales of products certified as Green Products that contribute to solving environmental issues under the new certification system, including those products and services that were carried over from the Green Products Certification System that has been ongoing since fiscal 2011, totaled 772.8 billion yen, accounting for 67% of the Group’s total sales.
In addition, improvements in the environmental performance of these products have resulted in a CO2 emissions reduction during product procurement and use of 19 thousand tons and the amount of resources saved and recycled was 13 thousand tons.
Konica Minolta will continue to expand products and services that help to solve environmental issues.

Sales of Green Products

Reduction of environmental impact through the use and procurement of Konica Minolta products and services

* The figures represent the accumulated cumulative reduction effects for each mid-term plan period from FY2020 to FY2022 and FY2023 to FY2025. The reduction effects of measures implemented from the first year of each period to the relevant fiscal year are summed for each fiscal year.

Amount of Resources Conserved and Renewable Resources Used Through Use of Konica Minolta Products

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