About Konica Minolta

Material Issue 5

Using Limited Resources Effectively


Social and environmental issue outlook for 2030

Given the world's growing population and the growing rate of resource consumption, it is estimated that the equivalent of two earths will be needed by 2030. In order to make more effective use of limited resources, companies need not only to recover and recycle waste, but also to reduce the volume of resources wasted.
This means that drastic workflow innovations are required, such as using on-demand production and IoT technology, to reduce resource waste in the supply chain. Circular economies also need to be created by developing material technologies that facilitate recycling, while building better networks for recovering used resources.

Opportunities for Konica Minolta to create value, and risks to be minimized


Through Konica Minolta businesses
  • Constructing efficient supply chains for client companies using on-demand production
  • Reducing workflow and supply chain loss for corporate clients


Affecting Konica Minolta
  • Decline in competitiveness due to delayed participation in the circular economy
  • Production or shipment delays due to water-related risks and water resource depletion

Social/Environmental Impact Major Stakeholders
  • Reduces natural resource use and disposal through efficient resource use
  • Efficient use of resources by customers thanks to providing solutions that transform the production process
  • Global environment
  • Local and global communities
  • Business partners
  • Increased social and environmental impact due to resource use and waste discharge
  • Global environment
  • Local and global communities

Vision for 2030 and Medium-Term Plan

Vision for 2030: Promote the effective use of resources at Konica Minolta, while also helping corporate clients and suppliers to achieve effective use.

Related SDGs:

Themes Indicators Results Targets
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025
Effective Use of Resources by Transforming Customer Business Processes Social and environmental value
Reduction of waste discharge of customers (thousand tons)
320 320 340 360 360 380 400
Economic value
Solution sales (billion yen)
53 60 79 84 89 97 100
Effective Use of Resources Relating to Konica Minolta Sites, Suppliers, Products and Services Reductions to environmental impact from Konica Minolta production sites*1 Social and environmental value
Reduction of waste discharge*2 (thousand tons)
0.6 1.3 1.7 1.6 0.2 1.6 1.7
Economic value
Monetary equivalent of waste reductions (million yen)
130 260 470 610 - 650 670
Reduction of environmental impact through the use of Konica Minolta products and services Social and environmental value
Amount of resources saved and recycled (thousand tons)
12 12 12 13 13 14 14
Of which, circulated resources (recycled and bio-materials) utilization rate (thousand tons) - - - 10 10 11 11
Economic value
Green Products*3 Sales (billion yen)
676 597 777 773 - - 735
Targets and results have been revised retrospectively to fiscal 2020 figures as the method of calculating the effects of measures was changed in fiscal 2021. Targets for FY2024 and FY2025 have been revised based on FY2023 results.
Cumulative reductions for each medium-term business plan period from FY2020 - FY2022 and FY2023 - FY2025. The reduction effects of measures implemented from the first fiscal year of each period to the relevant fiscal year are summed up for each fiscal year.
Targets set for plastic waste reduction and recycling activities based on the Law for Recycling Plastic Materials enacted in Japan, including the reduction of plastic waste at major sites in Japan.
Green Products: Name changed from Sustainable Solution in FY2023. Promotes the solving of social and environmental issues by defining and certifying solutions that help to solve social and environmental issues and expand sales.

Konica Minolta's Approach

In 2023, Konica Minolta set a new vision for the materiality “Using limited resources effectively” and added it as one of the items in Eco Vision 2050.
The Company will reduce resource consumption and expand its use of recyclable resources to reduce its dependence on the natural resources* to zero by 2050 for the resources used in its products. In response to the plan to increase the ratio of recycled and bio-materials in our resource input to 11,000 tons by FY2025, the Company succeeded in increasing it to 10,000 tons in FY2023.
To reduce the use of the natural resources in products other than its own, Konica Minolta will help transform work-styles and manufacturing processes that make effective use of the resources of customers and society through on-demand production and imaging IoT using the solutions it provides.
For example, in the field of commercial printing, the company is providing support for the transition to on-demand printing, thereby transforming the business model of mass production and disposal. The widespread use of Konica Minolta products for small-batch, decentralized printing can accelerate innovation in the printing industry’s supply chain while achieving resource conservation and waste reduction.
Moreover, Konica Minolta will not only effectively use renewable materials that contribute to waste reduction in the broader society, but also leverage DX technologies to promote collaboration with even more corporate clients and business partners, taking on the challenge of broad-scale environmental impact reduction. It will promote the creation of circular models linked to business models.

*Natural resources: Resources that require new drilling or mining, such as crude oil or mineral resources, and are generally synonymous with depletable resources.

Businesses: Effective Use of Resources by Transforming Customer Business Processes

●Eliminating inventory and disposal in customer processes using on-demand printing and production

●Reducing customer workflow and supply chain loss utilizing materials and process technologies that use them

●Contributing to resource recycling through sensing technology

Internal Action: Effective Use of Resources Relating to Konica Minolta Sites, Suppliers, Products and Services

●Reducing environmental impact and costs at Konica Minolta sites

●Reducing supplier environmental impact and costs using DX

●Creating circular models linked to business models

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