Color Data Software SpectraMagic NX2
Changes from previous versions
Changes from Ver.1.41 to Ver.1.50
Compatible instruments:
Spectrophotometers CM-3700A Plus have been added to the list of compatible instruments.
Product specifications:
- Support new features with the release of new firmware for CM-23d.
-Wireless LAN connection is now supported. - ć»Support new features with the release of new firmware for CM-26dG,26d and 25d.
-9 types of LED light sources can now be set for display condition settings for JOB writing. - Data displayed in the list window can now be printed.
- When multiple sample data are displayed on a graph, data numbers can now be displayed.
- The number of intervals for interval measurement has been changed to 10000.
- At startup, message according to the period until license expires is shown.
Bug fixes:
- Improved time for copying to be completed when copying a large amount of data.
- Fixed a problem, which the judgment of the stain test changes depending on the ON/OFF setting of the upper limits.
- Fixed a problem, which CF-300 could not be connected.
- Fixed a problem , which an error could occur when using CM-17d with trigger measurement only.
- Fixed a problem , which cannot use an item that sets LED light source in observation setting
- Other minor bugs
The following bugs have been fixed: