Accessory Software for CM-2600d


This software can be used to connect the Spectrophotometer CM-2500d / CM-2600d to a PC. Measurement data obtained with the Spectrophotometer can be output to an Excel spreadsheet or in text format.

Main functions

Calibration Measurements

  • Measurements of spectral data and colorimetric (L*a*b*) data
  • Auto naming function

Output of measurement results

  • Transfer data to Excel spreadsheet
  • Save in text file
  • Output data can be selected (number, name, date/time, mask, gloss, comment)

The following functions of the Spectrophotometer CM-2500d/CM-2600d, are not included in this software.

  • UV 0% and UV Adjust (UV setting fixed at 100% in this software)
  • UV calibration
  • User calibration
  • Remote measurement
  • Auto averaging
  • Cond/Task mode
  • Downloading of target data to instrument


Microsoft® Windows® 98/2000/XP/7/8/8.1 is necessary to operate this software. Microsoft® Excel is necessary to export the measurement results in Excel format.
Konica Minolta confirms a function of this software. However, Konica Minolta will not accept any responsibility for consequences resulting from the use of this software.

This software has been confirmed to work normally with the following combinations of operating systems and Excel.

[OS language: English version]
  • Windows® 98 Second Edition and Excel 97
  • Windows® 2000 Professional and Excel 2000
  • Windows® XP Professional and Excel 2002
  • Windows® 7 Professional and Excel 2010
  • Windows® 8 Pro and Excel 2013
  • Windows® 8.1 Pro and Excel 2013
[OS language: Traditional Chinese version]
  • Windows® 98 Second Edition and Excel 2002
  • Windows® 2000 Professional and Excel 2002
  • Windows® XP Professional and Excel 2002
[OS language: Simplified Chinese version]
  • Windows® 98 Second Edition and Excel 97
  • Windows® 2000 Professional and Excel 97
  • Windows® XP Professional and Excel 97
  • Windows® 7 Professional and Excel 2010
  • Windows® 8 Pro and Excel 2013
  • Windows® 8.1 Pro and Excel 2013
[OS language: Japanese version]
  • Windows® 98 Second Edition and Excel 97
  • Windows® 2000 Professional and Excel 2000
  • Windows® XP Professional and Excel 2002
  • Windows® 7 Professional and Excel 2010
  • Windows® 8 Pro and Excel 2010
  • Windows® 8.1 Pro and Excel 2013
Windows® 98, Windows® 2000, Windows XP®,Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows 8.1® and Excel are the trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.


  • Only COM ports COM1 to COM4 can be used. (COM5 or higher cannot be used. When using a USB to Serial Port adapter, if the default COM port assigned to the adapter by the system is COM5 or higher, the COM port must be reassigned to between COM1 and COM4.
  • The software and instrument may not function properly with some USB to Serial Port adapters.

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