About Konica Minolta

Human Capital

Building Organization, Culture and DNA

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Konica Minolta's Approach

Background and Issues

To foster an organizational climate and culture where professional human resources are able to demonstrate high performance and actively participate, we have established two issues and are implementing measures.
1. Engagement Improvement
2. Ability to Integrate Management Team to Overcome Adversity


When all Group employees share the Konica Minolta vision and tackle their jobs with a sense of purpose and take on challenges (engagement), they are contributing to customers, which then leads to sustainable growth for Konica Minolta. To pursue these kinds of reforms in the organization, the Group listens to the views of all of its employees and carries out improvements based on an understanding of its strengths and issues. The Group believes that this will lead to a corporate culture in which individuals can thrive. To that end, we recognize that top management needs to take the lead in building a team that takes initiative and can withstand adversity.

Key Measures and KPIs

Konica Minolta conducts the Global Employee Survey (GES) to assess its organizational culture via employee engagement scores — which measure whether engagement, the long-term vision, and strategy have been personalized, whether individuals are thriving and whether the environment encourages them to thrive — and then takes action to improve each organization to enhance the competitiveness of the entire Group.

  Results Targets
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2025 FY2030
Engagement score* 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.7
(Industry benchmark average)
Industry benchmark top 25%
Average score of responses to the question “How likely is it you would recommend Konica Minolta as a place to work?” in the GES (Global Employee Survey) on a scale of 0 to 10. (The question has been corrected due to an error in the question description. The question was incorrectly stated in the disclosures for fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2023 and has since been corrected. This question has been used consistently since fiscal 2021.)

Resonance with Management Vision and Six Values


Responding to people’s hopes and desires to “see”, Konica Minolta has always created new value. “Imaging to the People”, our long-term management vision statement for 2030 expresses Konica Minolta's ideals and its position in society as an imaging technology company, both our heritage and strength. We have brought together this statement, Our Philosophy that has remained unchanged since the launch of Konica Minolta in 2003, our 6 Values that guide our corporate culture as a wellspring of value creation, and our Brand Proposition that is a promise to customers, to create the Konica Minolta Philosophy.

Practicing the Six Values

Our 6 Values are the essence of our innermost beliefs, our inherited DNA, and define how we go about our business and act towards all our partners. They articulate what we stand for and direct our decision making.

RETHINK Communications

RETHINK was established as the behavioral slogan to encourage each individual employee to take action to live up to the Konica Minolta Philosophy. As each Konica Minolta Group employee “rethinks,” they help to accelerate the achievement of the long-term management vision and medium-term management plan. Konica Minolta also proposes the RETHINK concept to customers, seeking to grow together with them and contribute to society.

Konica Minolta Awards

Through its global award system (Business Contribution Awards, Transform Awards), Konica Minolta singles out cases worthy of commendation and seeks to share the same values Group-wide. This creates a culture of recognition and fosters a willingness to take up challenges. In particular, the Transform Awards encourage challenging actions to create new value through insight into customer and societal issues. They also encourage a global groundswell in which the entire company acquires the same expertise and utilizes it in the workplace.
Konica Minolta, Inc. reflects these principles in its human resources system so that employees always consider the 6 Values in their actions.
The Group is transforming its corporate culture to foster employee practice of the 6 Values.

Transform Awards presentation
Video presentation of the awards results and dialogue between CEO and the winners

Interactive Communication

Konica Minolta focuses on interactive communication, so that management and employees can put their heads together to think about the growth of Konica Minolta and implement it through dialogue. The president and board members explain Konica Minolta’s business performance and policies to the entire global company each quarter, and in Japan, a Q&A session is held in real time (CEO LIVE!). Young employees plan and propose the content of these sessions, making it easy for many employees to understand. At the global town hall meetings, management listens to the feedback of front-line workers and sends messages to the site so that they can work with greater confidence.

Implementation of the Global Employer Survey and Continuous Improvement Activities in Each Region

To foster an organizational climate and workplace environment that encourages employees to experience "job fulfillment and to take on challenges (engagement)," we conduct the Global Employee Survey (GES) of employees worldwide to visualize the current status of each organization and plan and steadily implement actions for improvement by measuring engagement. These efforts will improve the competitiveness of the entire Group.

Global Employee Survey
Results Targets
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2025 FY2030
Engagement score* 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.7
(Industry benchmark average)
Industry benchmark top 25%
Response rate 90.8% 85% 91% - -
Engagement score: Average score of responses to the question “How likely is it you would recommend Konica Minolta as a place to work?” in the GES (Global Employee Survey) on a scale of 0 to 10. The question was incorrectly stated in the disclosures for fiscal 2022 and fiscal 2023 and has since been corrected. This question has been used consistently since fiscal 2021.

In fiscal 2023, 91% of Group employees participated in the survey. The survey generated 165,000 comments, enabling us to continue to explore issues and plan and make improvements in each organization.
The Group's overall engagement score for fiscal 2023 was 6.8, a 0.2-point increase from fiscal 2022. Although still below the industry benchmark average level target for fiscal 2025, it increased to the lower 25% level in fiscal 2023, steadily approaching the target level.
To increase employee engagement, it is important to address issues at each level of the entire Konica Minolta Group, each business division, and each workplace. We are striving to foster a corporate culture rooted in Konica Minolta’s unique spirit through these systematic efforts.
At the Group level, the president himself visits each site in Japan and overseas major sites to proactively create opportunities to have dialogues with employees. In addition, the Corporate Planning Division of the headquarters visit major sites worldwide to talk directly with local employees to ensure that they understand the corporate medium-term business plan and have disseminated it.
Not only at the Group level, but also at each business division, company, and workplace group level, we conduct employee surveys to identify issues and act based on the results. We will continue to steadily implement the basic cycle of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each organization and make improvements to create a more rewarding company and a workplace where individuals can thrive.

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Integration of Management Team: Implementation of Resilience Program

Resilience Program

Beginning in 2022, Konica Minolta, Inc. introduced a resilience program for its executive management team and expanded it to include general managers. The program will also be implemented at Konica Minolta Japan, Inc., a major sales company, from 2023.
The program seeks not only to enhance the ability to adapt when facing difficulties, adversity, and high stress, but also to build a strong executive management team and spread its influence far and wide to create a vibrant organization.
This program, led by industrial physicians from inside and outside the company, seeks to help individuals and organizations achieve peak performance, enhance resilience, and integrate and harmonize participating executives through the formation of habits from four perspectives: body, emotion, thought, and attitude through an understanding of human characteristics based on medicine, psychology, and brain science.
The program has transformed the behavior and values of the participating executives and has also promoted inter-organizational collaboration and synergy in operations. One result of the program was a 0.2-point increase in the engagement score, which is one of the performance targets for executives.