About Konica Minolta

Customer Satisfaction and Product Safety

Basic Concept and Management System

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Basic Concept

Aspiring to maximize customer satisfaction and trust

Konica Minolta aspires to maximize customer satisfaction and trust by providing products and services of superior value. The Group has articulated its basic approach to accomplishing this in the Konica Minolta Quality Policy, which governs Group companies worldwide. An issue of particular importance is ensuring safe, reliable products and services. Accordingly, Konica Minolta has established a unified quality assurance system across the Group, and addresses quality assurance in terms of the entire product lifecycle. Konica Minolta is determined to help create a better world by solving customers’ challenges, and to do this it seeks to build deeper relationships with customers so that it can discover and satisfy both latent needs and apparent requests.

Quality Management Policy

Implementing thoroughly a policy that places top priority on customer satisfaction and quality

Konica Minolta has articulated its basic concept for earning customer satisfaction and trust in the Konica Minolta Quality Management Policy. By sharing this policy with Group companies around the world, Konica Minolta tries to ensure that top priority is placed on customer satisfaction and quality.

Based on this policy, the Group strives to improve not only the quality of products, but also quality across the board, including maintenance and service.

Konica Minolta Quality Policy (excerpts)

The Konica Minolta Group ensures maximum satisfaction and trust of its customers, paying the utmost attention to customers and giving top priority to the quality of products and services.

Our concept is to make steady progress in quality based on quantitative measurement and analysis of accurate data. This basic concept is demonstrated in the following affirmations:

  1. Achieving the industry's top level of Customer Satisfaction
  2. Providing advanced products that satisfy customers' potential needs
  3. Establishment and development of a global Quality System.
  4. Quality Management in the total life cycle of products and services
  5. Continued enhancement of our Quality Assurance Process
  6. Minimization of product quality risks
  7. Disclosure of product safety information

Quality Management System

The Chief Quality Officer oversees all quality management operations.

Konica Minolta, Inc. has established a Quality Assurance Managers’ Committee that supervises Group-wide quality management. This committee is chaired by the Chief Quality Officer, who has responsibility for and authority over all quality matters for the entire Group. The committee meets on a quarterly basis, in principle. In addition to promoting quality planning and monitoring progress, it shares and scrutinizes information concerning quality assurance. Furthermore, each business works to continuously improve quality by thoroughly implementing the PDCA cycle for quality issues.