About Konica Minolta


Contributing to Society

Environmental Actions in the Society

Konica Minolta focuses on reducing its environmental impact and protecting the environment. It undertakes these endeavors by supporting charities with its business activities and capabilities.

Konica Minolta's Environmental Strategy and Social Contribution


Open environmental conference organized by Konica Minolta

Energy saving diagnosis at customer's factory

Protecting the global environment is a challenge facing all humankind. Konica Minolta promotes environmental conservation by making charitable donations and encouraging the volunteer activities of its employees. Konica Minolta also shares its environmental management expertise with stakeholders, including customers and business partners. The company aims to expand the environmental efforts of its stakeholders in order to accelerate their efforts to reduce environmental impact.
Konica Minolta shares its environmental management expertise via seminars and lectures, not only for companies but also for local governments and academia. The company holds environmental seminars for companies and organizations across various industries and fields. Since fiscal 2014, a total of 3, 387 companies and organizations, or 7,006 people, have participated.
To help clients and other companies reduce their environmental impact, Konica Minolta engages in Green Marketing activities. This involves sharing them with Konica Minolta’s know-how and tools that are useful for improving environmental management. These activities have helped strengthen the relationship with these companies and create business opportunities, which has then led to product and service transactions. In addition, Konica Minolta engages in Carbon Neutral Partner activities to help business partners reduce their environmental impact and costs.
Going beyond addressing its own environmental impact, Konica Minolta is working to reduce the impact of society as a whole. It does this by assisting various stakeholders, such as customers, business partners, and local communities, to reduce their own environmental footprint.

Supporting a Charity for Protecting the Japanese Red-Crowned Crane


Not long ago, the number of red-crowned cranes* indigenous to Japan plummeted due to the deterioration of their native habitat, and at one point, they were on the verge of extinction. However, thanks to the establishment of the Tsurui Ito Red-Crowned Crane Sanctuary in 1987 by the Wild Bird Society of Japan, and to the protection activities undertaken by local residents and concerned organizations, their numbers have now increased to over 1,900. Since the sanctuary's establishment, Konica Minolta had long supported the crane protection activities through to fiscal year 2022.

The red-crowned crane is a large bird with a white body and a patch of red on the crown of its head. Its habitat extends from eastern Eurasia to Hokkaido in Japan.

Beekeeping with the Aim ofBiodiversity


Konica Minolta Business Solutions France has greened the roof of its building in Paris and set up beehives for beekeeping. People in France traditionally exhibit an understanding of beekeeping even in a densely populated city such as Paris.
The honeybees raised in these beehives help pollinate many kinds of plants such as fruit trees, vegetables, and flowers, enriching the biodiversity of the surrounding area.
Moreover, the harvested honey is bottled and sold to employees, with the proceeds donated to a charity fund established by Konica Minolta Business Solutions France. The fund promotes cultural, artistic, and sporting activities for people with disabilities throughout the year. Through this initiative, the company is raising employees’ awareness of the preservation of biodiversity while also contributing to the community.

Beekeeping on the roof

Contributing to global reforestation with the Arbor Day Foundation


Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A. raises the sustainability awareness among its employees by offering the opportunity to participate in volunteer activities with non-profit organizations. For the past several years, it has supported the non-profit Mahwah Environmental Volunteers Organization (MEVO) through volunteering and donations.
Volunteers help plant and harvest crops while learning about the local environment, as well as sustainable gardening and agriculture. For the past several years, Konica Minolta has worked with the Arbor Day Foundation and has helped plant more than 20,000 trees in areas where forest fires have recently occurred.

New York/ New Jersey Trail Conference

Employees participating in Mahwah Environmental Volunteers Organization (MEVO)

Supporting Environmental Conservation Activities in Australia

Over the years, Konica Minolta Business Solutions Australia Pty. Ltd. has raised funds and sent employee volunteers to support organizations which work to protect the environment. Most recently, for Landcare Week in fiscal 2017, 25 employees took part in weed removal and native tree planting in a bushland area.

Supporting Forest Conservation Activities


Konica Minolta is a participant and a partner in a variety of forest protection initiatives. One of these is the Takao Forest Society. Focusing on the natural vegetation in the national forest located in Uratakao, in the western part of the Tokyo Metropolis, the Society aims, by thinning the trees, planting more, clearing undergrowth, and so on, to re-create a lush forest where coniferous trees mingle with broad-leaved varieties. Konica Minolta is a corporate member of the Society, and its employees take part in the Society’s activities, working up a sweat for the cause of fostering better forests. In addition, the printing of their quarterly newsletter is provided by Konica Minolta, using own digital printing system.

Konica Minolta also sends out employee volunteers to take part in environmental conservation activities, conducts community cleanups around its sites, and provides support to organizations at sites around the world.

Partnership between KMBSF and ONF


Konica Minolta Business Solutions France (KMBSF) has developed a new partnership with ONF (Office National des forêts [national bureau of the forests]) in order to strengthen its support for France’s ecosystems. ONF is one of France’s major biodiversity actors.

This partnership has two components:

  • Konica Minolta will support biodiversity preservation projects around France, and its employees will participate.
  • For each sale of a Second Life device, KMBSF will financially support the Corra Pond restoration project in the forest of Saint-Germain.

This is a picture of Corra Pond. It is located near Paris and is one the main biodiversity projects KMBSF has decided to fund in partnership with the national forest preservation organization.