About Konica Minolta

Environmental Data

Soil and Groundwater

Surveys and Measures Taken on Soil and Groundwater Contamination

Efforts regarding soil and groundwater contamination

At sites where soil or groundwater contamination has been found, we are taking measures to prevent the contaminants from affecting surrounding areas and leaking outside the site.
We continue to periodically monitor groundwater and report our purification and observation results to the government for confirmation.

Summary of Contaminated Soil or Groundwater at Operation Sites
Operation Site Monitored Substance Progress in Fiscal 2023
Sakai Site
(Sakai, Osaka)
PCE*1, TCE*2, c-DCE*3, Boron, Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium The Company has continued to periodically monitor groundwater and has confirmed that there is no offsite discharge.
Osaka Sayama Site
(Osaka Sayama, Osaka)
PCE, TCE, c-DCE The Company has continued to periodically monitor groundwater and has confirmed that there is no offsite discharge.
Mikawa Site, Western Zone
(Toyokawa, Aichi Prefecture)
TCE The Company has continued to periodically monitor groundwater and has confirmed that there is no offsite discharge.
Kofu Site
(Chuo, Yamanashi Prefecture)
Fluorine The Company has continued to periodically monitor groundwater and has confirmed that there is no offsite discharge.
Konica Minolta IJ Product Co., Ltd. Head Office
(Fuefuki, Yamanashi Prefecture)
PCE, TCE, c-DCE The Company has continued to periodically monitor groundwater and has confirmed that there is no offsite discharge.
Konica Minolta Mechatronics Co., Ltd. Ueta Plant
(Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture)
TCE, c-DCE, Hexavalent Chromium The Company has continued to periodically monitor groundwater and has confirmed that there is no offsite discharge.
Konica Minolta Supplies Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Head Office
(Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture)
PCE, TCE, c-DCE The Company has continued to periodically monitor groundwater and has confirmed that there is no offsite discharge.
PCE: tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene)
TCE: trichloroethylene
c-DCE: cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (resolvent of TCE and PCE)