Media Globe Σ

※This product has been discontinued since March 31, 2021.

The Media Globe series is used by more than 120 leading planetariums both overseas and in Japan, and with the addition of the latest technology to the traditional technology that traces its origins back to the days when Konica Minolta Planetarium was Chiyoda Kogaku Seikō, K.K. (Chiyoda Optics and Fine Engineering, Ltd.), it represents the evolution of planetariums to the 18th generation, known as “Σ”.

Media Globe Σ
This is the latest digital planetarium that was developed based on the concept of pulling together all of Konica Minolta Planetarium Co., Ltd.’s technology through a fusion of Konica Minolta’s cutting edge optical technology and high contrast, ultra-high resolution video projection.

Media Globe Σ
*Media Globe is a registered trademark of Konica Minolta Planetarium Co., Ltd.

Planetarium functions
Category Function / features
Fixed Stars
  • Hipparcos Catalogue and the Bright Star Catalogue : Maximum 12.4 magnitude (more than 110,000 fixed stars)
  • Ability to adjust brightness of stars (0-100%). Limiting Magnitude can be changed in 0.1 increments.
  • Ability to change the texture of stars. Twinkling of stars. (can be adjusted by user) Ability to show major supernovae (4) and variable stars (11).
  • Ability to add close-up photos of Supernova.
  • Show representation of proper motion.
  • Ability to trace the path of stellar objects.
  • Ability to customize the visual size of fixed stars according to their magnitude.
  • Ability to turn ON/OFF the aureole of Sun.
  • Ability to turn ON/OFF the daylight, moon light, and light pollution.
  • Ability to display the marker of binary stars and exoplanets.
Galaxy, Nebula and Star Clusters
  • Milky Way : Able to make individual adjustment for visible/infrared/X-ray/Gamma-ray/radio wave, etc. (adjustment in 0-100% independent of fixed stars using slide bar)
  • All Messier objects – display of marker (location) and label (Japanese/English), and display of enlarged telescopic image (picture).
  • Ability to add close-up photos of main Galaxies, cluster of galaxies, nebula, planetary nebula, dark nebula, globular clusters, open clusters.
  • Display galaxies, nebulae, star clusters from any location in known universe.
  • Display asteroid belt, Kuiper belt objects, Oort cloud, globular clusters, Local Group, regional galaxies, SDSS, quasar survey, and WMAP.
  • Display labels of objects (Japanese/English).
Solar system
  • Sun : Enlarged display. - Moon : Enlarged display, representation of moon phase and earthshine. Able to scale up or down the Sun, the Moon, planets and etc. individually or in synchronization.
  • All planets and Pluto : Enlarged display, display of label (Japanese/English), display of orbit.
  • All dwarf planets : Enlarged display, display of label (Japanese/English), display of orbit.
  • Major Trans-Neptunian objects : Display of label (Japanese/English), display of orbit.
  • Major Satellites (more than 40) : Enlarged display, display of label (Japanese/English), display of orbit.
  • Minor objects (minor planets, asteroids and comets) : Display as a dot, display of label (Japanese/English), display of orbit.
  • Ability to add close-up photos of Asteroids, Comets.
  • Spacecraft : Display of Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 1 and 2, Cassini 1 and 2, etc. and its orbit.
  • Project the paths of seasonal Suns.
  • Presentation of astronomical phenomena : Solar eclipse, Lunar eclipse, Prominences, Sunspot, etc.
Simulation Range
  • Time : Display proper motion of fixed stars over ± 1,000,000 years.
  • Space : Virtually limitless
Time and View Point setting
  • Time : Any time within the simulation range.
  • Ability to be customize time settings at startup by the user.
  • View point (in the solar system) : On any object at any latitude, longitude and geocentric distance.
  • Able to select and move solar system objects. Ability to move forward to/backward from/around solar system objects. (moving speed can be selected or automatically preset.)
  • View point (outer space) : Able to display the day or night sky viewed from a given target or location.
  • Ability to make automate and record space travel from take-off to arrival point by setting up objects to seen en route, final target object, duration time of travel, etc.
* The above includes the database of the 4D2U project by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
Meteor Showers
  • Sporadic Meteors : Real time simulation. Meteors can be displayed out of synchronization with time.
  • Meteor Streams : Real time simulation (accurate peak/radiant points). User can set the emergence coefficient.
Coordinate System
  • Display of horizontal coordinates, equator, right ascension and declination, ecliptic, ecliptic latitude and longitude, galactic coordinates, super galactic coordinates, galactic longitude and latitude, meridian, azimuth, precession circle, poles, ecliptic pole, zenith point, distance from the sun (scale) and etc.
  • Artworks : Display of 88 constellation artworks
  • Lines : Display of 88 constellation lines. Lines in 3 dimensional location.
  • Boundaries : Display of boundaries of 88 constellations.
  • Labels : Display of labels for 88 constellation in Japanese/English.
  • Major Asterisms : Great Triangle in Spring, Great Spring Arc, Spring Diamond, the Big Dipper, Finding Polaris by using the Big Dipper, Leo’s Scythe, Summer Triangle, Northern Cross, Tea Pot, The Milk Dipper, Great Square in Autumn, Finding Polaris by using Cassiopeia, Winter Triangle, Great Diamond in Winter, the False Cross, Scorpius, how to find Canopus, Winter "W", How to find the South Pole and etc.
Pointers and etc.
  • Able to display more than 10 pointers at a time including arrow, circle, cross and others anyplace on the dome.
  • Display of lines or letters connecting given points on the screen.
  • Display of lines that follows mouse movement.
Natural Sky Phenomena
  • Morning/evening twilight - real time simulation (automatic brightness control based on the location of the Sun)
  • Representation of natural phenomena including lighting, clouds, rain, snow, aurora, fireball, zodical light, gegenschein and etc.
  • Daylight and Blue Light : It can be layered as a background for other projections. The brightness is automatically adjusted in relation to the location of the Sun.
Panorama (Landscapes)
  • Able to display given landscapes (panoramas). Easily change to other layers or landscapes.
  • Synchronized brightness control is based on the altitude of the Sun.
  • Display and implementation of 18 scenes (day view and night view). *more scenes are available as an option or you can create and display your own panoramas.
High resolution overview
  • High resolution surfaces are available for Earth, Moon and Mars in real-time simulation.
    • For Earth, Moon and Mars, the high-resolution surface data can include altitude.
    • Still images can be pasted at a specified longitude and latitude and displayed on the surface. (For Earth surface only.)
Fulldome Projection
  • Fulldome projection of stills or movies.
  • Fulldome projection can be performed with the planetarium functions or other multimedia functions.
  • 30 scenes of fulldome short movie clips are pre-installed. (Additional options are available)
Multimedia functions
Category Function / features
Still Images
  • Multiple still images can be projected simultaneously and can be switched automatically in specified intervals.
  • Operator can move, zoom, fade and special effects (rotation, wiping, 3d motions, etc.) still images.
  • Available formats : BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, TGA, and GIF.
  • Multiple movies can be projected simultaneously. Operator can Play / Stop / Pause / Repeat / Move / Zoom / Fade any or all movies as well as Search and Load new movies in real time.
  • Available formats : MPEG, AVI, WMV, MP4, MOV, FLV
  • Multiple sound files can be played simultaneously. Corresponding to 5.1-channel surround sound.
  • Available formats : WAV、MP3、WMA、OGG、AC3
3D Object
  • Multiple 3D objects can be projected simultaneously.
  • Available formats: lwo, 3ds, FBX
Text and Others
  • Letters can be projected as text data. 2-dimentional objects such as dots, lines, circles, arrows and freely drawn lines can be projected in real-time.
Slide show Place audio, still images, and/or video on a timeline, and play/record automatically.
Float image Fly multiple still images over the audience. Loop or rotate multiple still images around the dome.
Live Capture (optional) Project the HDMI output image of an external device. Automatic distortion correction of live action or real-time images on any part of the dome.
Interactive Virtual Presenter (optional)
  • Projects a three-dimensional interactive character, in real time.
  • Allows presenter to interact with character (Virtual Presenter)
Voice synthesis Voice output from entered texts information. (Optional, Japanese / English selectable)
Dome throw By swiping the still image/movie on the control tablet, the selected image will be projected intuitively into the direction where the user is facing to.
Category Function / features
Distortion correction function Global Distortion correction of dome image for projectors not installed at the dome center.
(Exception: 7KMO system. Distortion correction is implemented at each projector)
Optical Interlocking With the installation of additional equipment, it is possible to interlock or synchronize in time and place with Optical-Mechanical Konica Minolta Planetarium projectors. (Optional)
Macro Function
  • Record, reproduce, and edit the contents of all manually operated functions to create programs.
  • Recorded macros can be converted to a script program for even more precise editing and show production.

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