Configuration Tool CM-CT1
Changes from previous versions
Changes from Ver1.50 to Ver1.51
Product specifications:
- Compatible with new features of firmware Ver.1.40 for CM-26dG/26d/25d.
-Added 9 types of LED light sources to the light source setting of measurement conditions. - Compatible with new features of firmware Ver.1.20 for CM-23d.
-Added support for WLAN settings (AdHoc, Infrastructure 1 to 4, Bluetooth).
Changes from Ver.1.40 to Ver.1.50
System requirements:
- The compatible OS list "Windows® 10 Pro 64 bit Version 1803 or higher" has been changed to "Version 1903 or higher".
Compatible instruments:
- Spectrophotometers CM-17d/CM-16d have been added to the list of compatible instruments.
Product specifications:
- Compatible with new features of firmware Ver.1.30 for CM-26dG/26d/25d and CM-25cG.
- Added support for WLAN settings (AdHoc, Infrastructure 1 to 4, Bluetooth).
- Added "Wake on mode" function to the system settings. - Compatible with new features of firmware Ver.1.20 for CM-M6.
- Added support for WLAN settings (AdHoc, Infrastructure 1 to 4, Bluetooth).
- Added "Wake on mode" function to the system settings.
Changes from Ver. 1.30 Release2 to Ver. 1.40
System requirements:
- Windows® 10 Pro 32-bit has been removed from the list of compatible OS.
Compatible instruments:
- Spectrophotometer CM-M6, CM-700d, CM-600d, and CM-5 and Chroma Meter CR-5 has been added to the list of compatible instruments.
Product specifications:
- Setting of User Index/User Class has been added. Function is available only when using CM-26dG/CM-26d/CM-25d, CM-25cG, or CM-5/CR-5, and only with a valid activated SpectraMagic NX2 license. (For CM-5/CR-5, User Index/User Class is shown only when firmware is ver. 1.20 or higher.)
Changes from Ver. 1.30 to Ver. 1.30 Release2
System requirements:
- Windows® 11 Pro has been added to the list of compatible OS.
- Windows® 7 Pro 32-bit, 64-bit and Windows® 8.1 Pro 32-bit, 64-bit have been removed from the list of compatible OS.
Changes from Ver. 1.20 to Ver. 1.30
Product specifications:
Spectrophotometer CM-26dG/26d/25d related:
Compatibility with Ver. 1.20 of CM-26dG/26d/25d instrument firmware has been added. As a result:
- UV0+UV100 has been added to the available items for UVCondition.
- Auto target setting has been added.
- Indexes have been added to the available items for Custom Items.
- FMC2 has been added to the available items for Color Equation.
- The maximum number of default tolerance items that can be set is 14 items.
Spectrophotometer CM-25cG related:
Compatibility with Ver. 1.20 of CM-25cG instrument firmware has been added. As a result:
- Auto target setting has been added.
- The maximum number of default tolerance items that can be set is 14 items.
- The SMC function has been added to the Measurement Conditions setting.
Changes from Ver. 1.10 to Ver. 1.20
System requirements:
- Windows® 7 Professional 32-bit, 64-bit have been removed from the list of compatible OS.
Compatible instruments:
- Spectrophotometer CM-25cG has been added to the list of compatible instruments.
Product specifications:
- Settings which have been changed will be indicated by a * mark.
- A Bluetooth® connection UI has been added to the connection screen.
Bug fixes:
The following bugs have been fixed:
- Time for writing settings to instrument has been improved.
- Various minor bugs have been fixed.
Changes from Ver. 1.00 to Ver. 1.10
Product specifications:
If firmware of CM-26dG/26d/25d is Ver. 1.10 or later:
- If UV adjustment coefficients have been set on the CM-26dG/CM-26d, "UV control" has been added to the selectable items for UV Condition.
- Ganz& Griesser indices "WI(Ganz)" and "Tint(Ganz)" and their differences have been added to the selectable items for Custom Items. (CM-26dG/CM-26d only)
- Tolerances can be set for "ΔWI(Ganz)" and "ΔTint(Ganz)". (CM-26dG/CM-26d only)
- The user illuminant name set on instrument will be shown.
All firmware versions:
- When using Remote Control tab, screenshots of the instrument's LCD as shown in the software can be copied to the clipboard.
- Target Protect can be switched on and off.
- Target Filter settings can be set.
Bug fixes:
- Various minor bugs have been fixed.