Toward Sustained Growth
Recognition from Socially Responsible Investment Indices
As of July 31, 2014

Konica Minolta's initiatives have received extensive outside recognition from third parties. The Company has been included for two consecutive years in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World), a globally recognized socially responsible investment (SRI) index, and selected for the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific) for five years running. Konica Minolta is also included in the FTSE4Good Global index of the U.K.-based FTSE Group, as well as the Morningstar SRI Index in Japan. Konica Minolta has further received silver class ranking from RobecoSAM and received the highest CSR rating, “Prime,” from Germany-based oekom research AG. In addition, during fiscal 2013 the Company was for the first time named to CDP’s Japan 500 Climate Disclosure Leadership Index and Japan 500 Climate Performance Leadership Index, making it the only the company in the precision equipment industry to be included in both indices.