- Annual Report 2012 >
- Review of Operations >
- Healthcare Business

In the first half of the fiscal year, in digital medical input equipment, we launched the cassette digital X-ray detector “AeroDR” and the desktop Computed Radiography (CR) “REGIUS Σ.” In the second half, we expanded the line-up with products such as Digital Radiography (DR) for medical rounds, and sequentially increased the sales area for medical institutions in Japan and overseas. We worked to increase sales, primarily of AeroDR in the hospital market and REGIUS Σ in the clinical market, and realized a year-on-year increase in the sales volume of digital equipment. We also robustly expanded the service solution business including maintenance services.

We worked to promote sales in China and other emerging markets, but the growing “filmless” trend continued in Japan and developed markets, and the sales volume declined year on year.
The addition of the impact of the strong yen and decreasing sales prices resulted in sales for the Healthcare Business of ¥73.0 billion (YoY -14.1%). Although there was a decrease in profits due to decreased sales and the continued high price of silver, we implemented cost reductions and expenditure cuts, resulting in operating income of ¥90 million (YoY -46.9%).