About Konica Minolta

Responsible Supply Chain

Procurement Initiatives

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Procurement Collaboration System

Promoting procurement collaboration to increase customer satisfaction

Seeking to increase customer satisfaction, the Business Technologies Business promotes a Procurement Collaboration System in which suppliers and Konica Minolta work together in pursuit of improvements. In this initiative, the Group shares challenges through dialogue with and visits to suppliers, makes proposals needed for their resolution, and provides concrete support aimed at comprehensive improvements in terms of quality, delivery, productivity, the environment, and business management. Suppliers also point out issues to Konica Minolta, which serves to improve problems in business transactions.

Environmental Collaboration Aimed at Strengthening the Management of Chemical Substances Included in the Supply Chain

Konica Minolta has implemented environmental collaboration with suppliers to reduce environmental risk as a procurement collaboration system in the area of the environment. This initiative creates solid partnerships through on-site assessments and educational support for suppliers in order to strengthen management of chemical substances included in the supply chain.

In fiscal 2023, Konica Minolta went directly to the manufacturing sites of 66 suppliers in and outside Japan and conducted on-site assessments, working with suppliers to strengthen the chemical substances management system. In addition, the Company confirms activities in areas such as labor, health and safety, the environment, and ethics at its suppliers’ manufacturing sites.

In addition, Konica Minolta has established an educational system focused on laws and regulations as well as on-site management that it uses to train suppliers’ internal assessors in an effort to support the independent management of chemical substances on the part of suppliers. Education on changing trends and Konica Minolta’s initiatives was added to CSR procurement initiatives starting in fiscal 2018. In fiscal 2023, Konica Minolta conducted approximately 139 internal assessments.

Holding Suppliers’ Meetings

Konica Minolta holds annual suppliers’ meetings as part of its procurement collaboration system. Previously, these meeting were held in person, but since fiscal 2019, we have changed over to an online format due to COVID-19’s impact and they are now mainly held for suppliers in Japan, China, and ASEAN.
In fiscal 2023, a total of 284 suppliers (484 people) participated, representing a majority of our suppliers. At the meeting, the Konica Minolta’s procurement policy was explained, requests were made for cooperation in CSR procurement, procurement results and plans were reported, and goals and challenges were shared.

Fiscal 2018 suppliers’ meeting in China

Commendation of Suppliers

Konica Minolta takes the opportunity of the suppliers’ meeting to commend suppliers. The purpose of commending suppliers with excellent records in terms of quality, delivery, productivity, and the environment is to encourage all suppliers to undertake further improvement initiatives.

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