About Konica Minolta


Information Security

Konica Minolta Information Security Policy

Guided by our management philosophy of “The Creation of New Value,” we at the Konica Minolta Group are committed to providing products and services that contribute to the development of society.

We are dedicated to maintaining information security (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), which is one of the most important issues related to business activities. Given this commitment, our basic approach to information security is to continuously make improvements by measuring and assessing risks associated with important information assets, and applying effective measures to mitigate those risks.

“Management Based On Facts”

1. Direction of Information Security Initiatives

We will strive to continually provide products and services and develop sound businesses while recognizing our obligation to protect information assets handled in the course of business activities.

2. Compliance with Laws and Other Requirements

We will comply with the legal requirements of Japan and other countries related to information security as well as social norms, internal company standards and contractual security obligations. On this basis we will properly accommodate agreements made by the international community.

3. Establishment of Information Security Management System

We will establish an information security management system in order to appropriately grasp business risks and changes in the risk environment and to establish and maintain response strategies. We will work to maintain, further develop and revise the system by establishing objectives for information security.

4. Risk Response

As a manufacturer we will deal with a broad range of risks related to activities from development and production to sales and service. For risk assessment, we will establish criteria to assess the relative importance of each information asset and stringently manage our assets based on these assessments.

5. Protection from Threats

We will take appropriate measures in order to protect information assets from threats such as accidents, hindrances or improper activity that would prevent the assets from being properly utilized, and in order to prevent information assets from being lost, damaged, altered or divulged.

6. Information Security Education and Training

We will provide the necessary education and training to all employees and will carry out business while recognizing our societal responsibility to use and manage information assets appropriately.

7. Continuous Improvement

We will strive to continuously make improvements by reviewing this information security policy and our management measures on a regular basis, and as necessary, within the framework of our information security management system.

8. Active Disclosure

We will communicate risks to stakeholders and be accountable to them. This policy will be disclosed to all employees and outside parties.

April 1, 2022

Toshimitsu Taiko
President and CEO
Konica Minolta, Inc.