About Konica Minolta

Basic Approach and Systems for Sustainability Management

Basic Approach: Grow the Business by Providing New Value That Helps Build a Sustainable Society

Konica Minolta has prospered together with society by continuing to provide the new value required in each era, living up to its philosophy, “The Creation of New Value.” Helping to build a sustainable society also promotes corporate sustainability. If greater social unrest is triggered by the destruction of the global environment, it will also impact economies and financial systems worldwide. However, by working to solve global environmental and social problems, Konica Minolta can minimize future risks while creating opportunities for growth.

Corporate Philosophy

The Konica Minolta Philosophy consists of “Our Philosophy,” which has remained unchanged since the launch of Konica Minolta in 2003; “Our Vision,” which looks forward to 2030; the “6 Values” that guide its corporate culture as a wellspring of value creation, and Brand Proposition.

By continually evolving with its customers through innovation, Konica Minolta contributes to the realization of a sustainable society and continues to take on the challenge of both the growth of its business and the creation of new value for the global environment and all of human society.

Enhancing Corporate Value for Sustainable Growth

For a company to grow sustainably, it must continually provide new value for human society as well as achieve business growth. To further its own evolution, Konica Minolta is determined to generate innovation to help solve social and environmental issues. By linking this effort to financial performance, Konica Minolta seeks to enhance its corporate value and achieve sustainable growth.

Konica Minolta Group Charter of Corporate Behavior

Konica Minolta’s efforts to achieve sustainability are based on the Konica Minolta Group Charter of Corporate Behavior and its basic approach to sustainability management. The Konica Minolta Group Guidance for the Charter of Corporate Behavior is shared globally and illustrates desirable behavior in each of the categories included in the Charter as a basis for understanding and practicing desired behavior.

Respect for International Best Practices

The Konica Minolta Group respects and follows widely adopted international social responsibility initiatives, including the Global Compact initiated by the United Nations.

Sustainability-Related Principles, Charters, and Norms That Konica Minolta Observes

  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  • ISO26000
  • Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren) Charter of Corporate Behavior

■Support for the Japan Business Federation Charter of Corporate Behavior

Konica Minolta, Inc., is a member of the Japan Business Federation (Nippon Keidanren) and respects its Charter of Corporate Behavior.

Sustainability Management System

At Konica Minolta Inc., the President and CEO, who is a member of the Board of Directors, is tasked with the ultimate responsibility and authority for overall sustainability management and is also responsible for its effectiveness. The actual sustainability management activities for the entire Group are executed by each Group executive for corporate sustainability, under the President. Just like other key management issues, discussions and decisions on key sustainability issues are made at the Management Council and other meetings attended by the President, Executive Officers, and Corporate Vice Presidents.
Each Group executive in charge creates a medium-term management plan for sustainability, which is summarized as a Company-wide business plan, and approved by the Board of Directors after discussion and approval by the Management Council and other convening bodies as a management plan for the entire Group. In the process of formulating the medium-term management plan, each executive in charge of sustainability, led by the executive in charge of corporate planning, reviews material issues by conducting a rolling review of the amount of change in risk, and revises it, as necessary. After deliberation and approval by the Management Council and other convening bodies, the Board of Directors approves it. Each executive in charge of sustainability has established a Promotion Committee as necessary as an organization to review and promote the medium-term sustainability plan. For example, the Company has established the Environmental Promotion Committee as an organization to review and promote the medium-term environmental plans. Chaired by the manager of the Corporate Planning Division, the council is comprised of persons responsible for promotion appointed by the heads of the business and corporate divisions. The Committee discusses the medium-term environmental plan and the annual plan, checks the quarterly progress, and reviews the Group’s environmental issues.
Since fiscal 2017, the company has been promoting sustainability as part of its management activities by including non-financial indicators such as ESG in the performance evaluation items of executive officers. However, from fiscal 2023, Konica Minolta will further promote sustainability initiatives as part of its management activities by linking the CO2 emissions reduction indicator and employee engagement score to medium-term stock compensation as important non-financial indicators.

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