News Releases
Notice on the Issuance of Subscription Rights to Shares as Stock Options
Company Name: Konica Minolta, Inc.
Representative: Shoei Yamana, President and CEO
Stock Exchange Listing: Tokyo (First Section)
Local Securities Code Number: 4902
Contact: Mami Iwamoto, General Manager, Corporate Branding Division
Tel: (81) 3-6250-2100
Tokyo (August 31, 2016) - On August 16, 2016, Konica Minolta, Inc. (“the Company”) decided to offer subscription rights to shares in the form of stock compensation-type stock options to its directors (excluding outside directors), executive officers, and group executives, and today, undetermined part have been fixed as follows:
1. Persons eligible for the allotment of subscription rights to shares, the number of persons, and the number of subscription rights to shares to be allotted:
A total of 1,914 subscription rights to shares will be allotted to a total of 27 persons, with 353 to three directors (excluding outside directors) and 1,361 to 19 executive officers, and 200 to five group executives. It should be noted that three of the 19 executive officers concurrently serve as directors.
2. Total number of the subscription rights to shares:
3. Type and number of shares underlining the subscription rights to shares:
The type of shares underlining the subscription rights to shares shall be the Company's ordinary shares, and the number of shares issued upon the exercise of each subscription rights to shares (“the number of shares granted”) is 100. (The total number of shares for the 1,914 subscription rights to shares as stated in the 2 above amounts to 191,400 shares.)
However, if the Company splits or consolidates its ordinary shares (including allotting shares of the Company's ordinary shares free of charge), the number of shares granted shall be adjusted by the following formula, and any fraction less than one share resulting from adjustment will be rounded down to the nearest one whole share.
Post-adjustment number of shares granted
= Pre-adjustment number of shares granted x the stock split or consolidation ratio
In addition to the above, if unavoidable circumstances necessitate an adjustment to the number of shares granted, it shall be adjusted to the extent reasonable.
4. Amount to be paid in exchange for subscription rights to shares:
68,600 yen in exchange for one subscription rights to shares (686 yen per share)
5. Amount of property to be provided as contribution upon the exercise of subscription rights to shares:
100 yen per subscription rights to shares
(1 yen per share)
Note: For more details of the subscription rights to shares other than the above, please refer to the " Notice on the Allotment of Subscription Rights to Shares as Stock Options" as announced on August 16, 2016