Tristimulus values determined based on the color matching functions
defined in 1931 by CIE; also referred to as 2° XYZ tristimulus values. They are suitable for a viewing angle of 4°
or less and are defined for reflecting objects by the following formulas:
S(λ): Relative spectral power distribution of the illuminant ,
: Color-matching functions for CIE 2° Standard Observer (1931)
R(λ): Spectral reflectance of specimen
Tristimulus values determined based on the color matching functions
defined in 1964 by CIE; also referred to as 10° XYZ tristimulus values.
They are suitable for a viewing angle of more than 4°
and are defined for reflecting objects by the following formulas:
S(λ): Relative spectral power distribution of the illuminant ,
: Color-matching functions for CIE 10° Supplementary Standard Observer (1964)
R(λ): Spectral reflectance of specimen