
Konica Minolta Selected as an Asia-Pacific Climate Leader
Highly Evaluated for its Plan and Initiatives to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

August 1, 2024

Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) was selected as one of the top 350 excellent companies that contributed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders 2024, a survey jointly conducted by the Financial Times of the UK and Statista of Germany.

Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders is a list of companies that are contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Asia-Pacific region. This fiscal year is the third survey. In this survey, evaluations are made by factoring in transparency of Scope 3 and indexes, including the CDP score and SBT initiative, based on the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions relative to revenue from 2017 to 2022.

Konica Minolta has been working on initiatives to attain the Carbon Minus status* by FY2025 and net zero CO2 emissions (zero CO2 emissions throughout the product life cycle) by FY2050. This selection as a leader reflects the high evaluation of such initiatives.

*Konica Minolta’s commitment to producing CO2 reduction effects beyond CO2 emissions throughout the Company’s product life cycle in cooperation with stakeholders, including suppliers and customers.

Konica Minolta’s Response to Climate Change

Konica Minolta’s environmental management is based on the concept of “growing existing businesses by helping to solve environmental problems.” To cope with the risk of climate change, the Company set a vision to attain net zero greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain by 2050. It aims to attain its targets through the business by integrating the risk attributed to climate change with the business risk and linking the medium-term targets, which are related to measures to tackle climate change, with the Medium-term Business Plan.

By 2025, Konica Minolta aims to attain the Carbon Minus status, in which CO2 emissions in the product life cycle are reduced by 61% from the FY2005 level and contributions to CO2 reductions beyond emissions are made in cooperation with customers and suppliers. Konica Minolta will enhance its core technologies, which have been refined by respective businesses, through the use of AI and by combining technologies across business domains, helping to further reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions by transforming the workflow and supply chain, and creating businesses to become a company needed by society.

Konica Minolta remains committed to tackling climate change by properly attaining greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.

Reference: Evaluation by External Parties

Konica Minolta is currently included in global ESG indexes and is ranked high in the ESG ratings, as shown below.

FTSE4Good Index Series (UK) Included in the index consecutively since 2003
FTSE Blossom Japan Index (UK) Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017
FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index (UK) Included in the index since its establishment in 2022
MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index (USA) Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017
MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (USA) Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2017
Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index (USA) Included in the index since its establishment in 2023
(Certified as the highest Group 1)
Dow Jones Sustainability Index (USA) Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific):
Included in the index consecutively since 2009
S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index (USA, Japan) Included in the index consecutively since its establishment in 2018
S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook (USA) Included in the Sustainability Yearbook consecutively since 2011
ISS ESG (USA) Maintained the highest Prime Status consecutively since 2011
CDP (UK) Selected as a Supplier Engagement Leader (2016, 2018, 2020 to 2023)
Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders (UK, Germany) Selected in 2024

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