AccurioLabel 400, a High-speed Digital Label Press, Wins the Nippon Brand Prize under the Machine Design Award IDEA
July 26, 2024
Konica Minolta’s AccurioLabel 400, a high-speed digital label press, won the Nippon Brand Prize under the 54th Machine Design Award IDEA. The Nippon Brand Prize is second-highest award after the Excellence Award, and is presented for a highly competitive product in the global market for its unique design.

Award-winning Products
AccurioLabel 400, a High-Speed Digital Label Press
■Features of the Design
The AccurioLabel 400 is designed to reduce the need for special skill and to reduce the downtime through specialized license free operation and automated color correction technology.
■Overall evaluation (cited from the organizer’s document)
This product automates operations by using the Intelligent Quality Optimizer IQ-520 for rolled paper and can be easily operated by non-specialists thanks to preset options for respective types of paper and simplified adjustment functions. The real-time sensing automatic image quality adjustment function significantly reduces the work time and achieves high speed and productivity by extended continuous printing up to 3,000 m, thereby leading DX in the label printing industry.
■Other awards
Good Design Award 2022 (Japan)
Red Dot Award: Product Design 2023 (Germany)
iF DESIGN AWARD 2023 (Germany)
German Design Award 2024: Winner (Germany)
■Features of the Award-Winning Product
The AccurioLabel 400 achieves unprecedented operational efficiency even in the high-volume area through high-speed printing, extended continuous printing length, and process automation.
Significant features include the ability to expand applications with white toner and improved productivity with superfast print speeds of up to 39.9 meters per minute. There are also further running cost reductions thanks to even more durable parts life, as well as enhanced print quality. It is available in 4- and 5-color configurations.
Machine Design Award IDEA
The Machine Design Award IDEA was established in 1970 by the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd., a major industrial general newspaper in Japan, for the promotion and development of industrial product designs in Japan.
The screening committee consists of authorities from relevant ministries and agencies, universities, and industrial organizations and aims to illuminate the design trends in the new era. Overall evaluations to select winners are made from various aspects, including product verification, economy, and marketability. Ergonomic safety, environmental friendliness, and well-being are also taken into account.