News Releases
Konica Minolta Wins the Good Design Award 2023
for the KINOSIS, Dynamic Digital Radiography
October 16, 2023
Tokyo (October 16, 2023) – Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) announced that its KINOSIS, Dynamic Digital Radiography won the Good Design Award 2023 of the Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP).

Reasons for winning the award
KINOSIS, Dynamic Digital Radiography
Improving the value of diagnosis by dynamic radiography analysis, Konica Minolta’s proprietary technology

■ Features of the design
Dynamic radiography analysis was realized by advanced image processing technology. The design enhances the visibility of dynamic radiography images by visualizing and quantifying the movement based on analysis graphs, with visibility and recognizability taken into account by synchronizing the movement of dynamic images with chronological changes, and graphics showing various changes.
■ Comments from Screening Committee of JDP
Dynamic Digital Radiography (DDR) is the first system in the world to visualize in-vivo movement. The system was developed through serious co-creation and research with hospitals and clinics, taking some 15 years. This initiative sets an example for designing a new standard in the medical field. The system is impressive and deserves the Good Design Award. We strongly hope that the system will spread in society.
Features of the KINOSIS, Dynamic Digital Radiography
Konica Minolta deploys DDR as solutions to achieve new “movement-based diagnosis.” As a system featuring dynamic radiography analysis, which is a proprietary technology, Konica Minolta developed and offers a DDR using a general X-ray system. The company has a track record in introducing the system to medical institutions in and outside Japan. The system consists of the KINOSIS, Dynamic Digital Radiography, which won the award, and AeroDR fine motion, a cassette-type digital X-ray system. This unique system emits pulsed X-rays about 15 times per second and displays time-lapse images continuously to create dynamic images using the same working principle as animations. Dynamic radiography analysis of the chest enables observation of the actual movement. Konica Minolta’s proprietary technology incorporated in KINOSIS is used to perform image analysis with enhanced visibility and to quantify the movement of in-vivo structures, thus obtaining more information compared to conventional still images. It is expected to help improve diagnostic accuracy. Konica Minolta is committed to spreading DDR in order to contribute to more appropriate and accurate diagnoses.

About Good Design Award
The Good Design Award is the only comprehensive design commendation system in Japan organized by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion. It selects, commends, and publicizes “good designs” in various categories, including products, architecture, software, systems, and services to improve our daily lives and society.
This program has a history spanning approximately more than 60 years since its implementation in 1957 by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (present-day Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) under the name, Good Design Selection System, which was more widely known as the G Mark System.
・“Dynamic Digital Radiography KINOSIS” and “KINOSIS” are the commercial product names of image diagnosis workstation Konica Minolta DI-X1.
・AeroDR fine motion is the commercial product name of Digital Radiography SKR3000.