News Releases
Konica Minolta Achieves Goal of Sourcing 100% Renewable Electricity in Its MFP Production Site in Malaysia
June 20, 2023
Tokyo (June 20, 2023) – Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) announced that one of its MFP production sites in Malaysia, Konica Minolta Business Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (BMMY) in Melaka State, has achieved its goal of procuring 100% of the electricity it uses from renewable sources.
All the MFP production sites in China and Malaysia of the Konica Minolta Group are now 100% powered by renewable energy.
BMMY manufactures MFPs, which are the main products of Konica Minolta. Its production system is based on the concept of “production DX,” which integrates front-line capabilities refined through various improvement activities with digital manufacturing, including ICT, automation, and data science.

BMWY installed*1 a solar power generation system, covering an area of 17,059 m2 and with a generating capacity of 3.4 MW, in March 2023, enabling the company to procure about 20%*2 of its electricity requirement from solar power. In combination with the electricity bundled with the renewable energy certificate*3, which had already been introduced, the company attained 100%*4 procurement of its electricity from renewable sources.
Regarding the MFP production sites in China, Konica Minolta Business Technologies (DONGGUAN) Co., Ltd. and Konica Minolta Business Technologies (WUXI) Co., Ltd. attained their goal of procuring 100% of the electricity they use from renewable sources in 2019 and 2020, respectively.
*1:Using a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
*2:Estimation based on the electricity consumed from January to December 2022
*3:International Renewable Energy Certificate
*4:Ratio of electricity derived from renewable energy
Konica Minolta’s Efforts to Achieve “Net Zero”
As early as 2009, Konica Minolta formulated “Eco Vision 2050,” a long-term environmental vision toward 2050, and set the goal of reducing emissions by 80% from the 2005 level by 2050. In January 2019, Konica Minolta joined RE100, a global leadership initiative that brings together businesses committed to sourcing 100% renewable energy for their operations. Accordingly, Konica Minolta has been gradually shifting procurement of electricity for its operations to renewable energy. In addition to MFP production sites, toner filling plants in France and the U.S. and many sales companies in Europe also attained their goals of using 100% renewable energy.
This fiscal year, Konica Minolta revised its goal of reducing CO2 emissions in its product life cycle from 80% to 100% by 2050 and set a new target of “net zero by 2050.”