News Releases
Konica Minolta’s Three Products and Two Facilities
Win the Good Design Award 2022
October 21, 2022
Tokyo (October 21, 2022) – Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) is pleased to announce that its three products and two facilities won the Good Design Award 2022 of the Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP).
Award-winning products and facilities:
・Hand-held gas leakage inspection system
・High-speed digital label press AccurioLabel 400
・Cassette-type digital X-ray system AeroDR swift
・Planetarium dome theaters MANTEN NAGOYA and PLANETARIA YOKOHAMA

Reasons for winning the award
Hand-held gas leakage inspection system
— Contributing to stable plant operation by visualizing gas leakage —

Feature of the design
This product is designed to visualize gases, which are invisible, and optimize maintenance work with high portability and flexible image capturing styles. It contributes to early detection of leaks and safety of on-site operators.
Comments from Screening Committee of JDP
Regarding infrastructure equipment, such as that at gas plants, for which this product was designed, continuous maintenance is likely to become a social challenge due partly to the declining birthrate and aging population. A technology for visualizing gases, which are invisible to the human eye, was designed as a portable camera-type device, enabling the product to be used at various sites. Through the camera, gases, which are invisible on the actual equipment image, can be superimposed together with quantitative data. With cloud linkage and other features, the product enables intuitive, accurate inspections without requiring skills.
High-speed digital label press AccurioLabel 400
— Increasing the operational efficiency by automating the printing process —

Feature of the design
This product is designed to eliminate the need for skills and reduce downtime by ensuring operability without special licenses and by providing automatic color correction.
Comments from Screening Committee of JDP
The product significantly raised expectations for print quality and ensures absolute reliability compared to the previous model by following the design of the flagship model of commercial press. This outstanding product with superb accessibility automates operations and eliminates the need for special skills. The large label roll storage space on both sides dynamically protrudes outward. The design was significantly changed from the conventional layout with the label roll placed inside the housing. The product successfully creates an agile impression, which is difficult to achieve in industrial equipment. We respect Konica Minolta’s commitment to realizing white printing while curbing the price of the equipment and to continuously promoting evolution and greater expressivity.
Cassette-type digital X-ray system AeroDR swift
— Reducing the workload of medical professionals by improving the ease of handling —

Feature of the design
This product is designed to reduce the fatigue of radiologists by providing a recess on the edge for a secure hand grip and ease of handling, and with its ultra-lightweight design thanks to film substrate TFT.
Comments from Screening Committee of JDP
DR cassettes, which incorporate a precision instrument, tend to be handled roughly at hospitals and clinics where urgent medical treatment is required. The recess on the edge for hand grip effectively improves handling and prevents the cassette from being dropped. The recess also reduces the mental stress and physical workload of workers and increases work efficiency. The exterior, which is made from a material with an embedded antibacterial agent, has a high-quality feel and appearance, producing an attractive product.
Planetarium dome theaters MANTEN NAGOYA and PLANETARIA YOKOHAMA
— Introducing DYNAVISION®-LED, Japan’s first LED dome system —

Feature of the design
The theaters are designed to offer an unprecedented customer experience through the LED dome technology and content that fully takes advantage of its technical evolution.
Comments from Screening Committee of JDP
Visual representation by dome projection is not new. However, self-luminous high-brightness LEDs – a culmination of cutting-edge technology - offer an outstanding sense-of-immersion experience. The high image quality also delivers an entirely new presentation of the shows that can encourage the audience to capture and post beautiful images on social media. As entertainment techniques have been continuously improved thanks to technological innovation, these theaters were highly appraised as good examples.
Features of the award-winning products
Hand-held gas leakage inspection system
This is a compact model of a gas monitoring solution to identify gas leaks, which are difficult to detect, and support complex data recording and management by visualizing hydrocarbon gases based on advanced optical technology using infrared ray and state-of-the-art image processing technology. The system incorporates an inspection function, and because inspections can be conducted without connecting to a PC or display, the system can be carried anywhere immediately. The system helps increase the efficiency of daily inspection and initial screening in the event of an accident.
Product information:
High-speed digital label press AccurioLabel 400
This is the first high-end model of the digital label press AccurioLabel series. This flagship model delivers outstanding operational efficiency unparalleled in the high-volume market by high-speed printing, extended job opportunities, and automated processes. Thus, the AccurioLabel 400 helps minimize lost time in printing operations and significantly reduces the period required to train operators. The introduction of white toner—a first in Konica Minolta’s products—improves the added value of digital label printing.
Product information:
Cassette-type digital X-ray system AeroDR swift
Konica Minolta’s first film substrate TFT is incorporated in the cassette-type digital X-ray system, which is used in various radiography applications at the bedside and in operating rooms and radiography rooms at hospitals and clinics. The system, with its built-in battery, weighs only 1.9 kg. A 4 mm-deep recess on the edge of the cassette’s rear surface provides a more secure hand grip. In addition to being lighter, the AeroDR swift increases the efficiency of taking radiographic images and reduces the workload of medical professionals and burden on patients.
Product information:
Planetarium dome theaters MANTEN NAGOYA and PLANETARIA YOKOHAMA
Konica Minolta Planetarium MANTEN NAGOYA and Konica Minolta PLANETARIA YOKOHAMA are planetariums using Japan’s first LED dome system with self-luminous LED elements arranged on the screen. High brightness and wide color gamut, far beyond those of conventional projection systems, provided outstanding immersive experience to the audience.
Facility information:
Facility information:
About Good Design Award
The Good Design Award is a comprehensive design commendation program implemented by the JDP with a view to highlighting and commending outstanding designs around us in the pursuit of prosperous lives and industrial and social development.
This program has a history spanning approximately more than 60 years since its implementation in 1957 by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (present-day Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) under the name, Good Design Selection System, which was more widely known as the G Mark System.