Pulse Oximeter [PULSOX-500i]
Data Analysis Software [DS-500]

Helping quickly identify potential patients
Sleep apnea syndrome (SAS), which can cause serious accidents when drivers fall asleep at the wheel, is believed to affect at least 3 to 5 million people who have not been tested or diagnosed. Together, this pulse oximeter and data analysis software facilitate reliable measurement as well as efficient analysis and diagnosis with a design that revamps the user experience of existing systems in terms of both hardware and software, helping identity potential patients more quickly.
Designed to exhibit thoughtfulness and care, from measurement to diagnosis
In developing the product, we conducted numerous interviews to determine what users considered the top priority at every stage, including measurement, analysis, and diagnosis, and then painstakingly resolved each issue we had identified. As a result, the product is earning the support of companies and medical institutions that conduct SAS testing with a design that focuses on ease of use not only during measurement, but throughout the entire workflow, from measurement to diagnosis.

A round form factor reduces unevenness while improving fit and cleanability.

The screen’s user interface features explanations with a UD font and illustrations.

Functions are arranged to mirror the analysis process.