Giving Shape to Ideas at Eco-Products 2013 in Tokyo
-- Konica Minolta Shows Advanced, Global Initiatives and Breakthrough Technologies as Environmental Front Runner --

Tokyo (December 5, 2013) - Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) will be exhibiting at Eco-Products 2013 (December 12-14, 2013), one of the largest environmental exhibitions in Japan, held at Tokyo Big Sight.

The theme for the milestone fifteenth Eco-Products is “Shaping Our Future Now.” The annual exhibition has drawn a lot of attentions, as diverse stakeholders visit and exhibit at the show and share initiatives or solutions that address environmental issues on a global scale.

This year, under the Communication Message “Giving Shape to Ideas,” Konica Minolta will showcase its worldwide initiatives to contribute to the sustainable earth and society by sharing challenges faced by the customers and society and providing new solutions with environmentally-friendly products and services based on breakthrough environmental technologies.

Around the world, Konica Minolta has been actively developing the “Three Green Activities*1” to meet the goals set in its long-term environmental vision “Eco Vision 2050.” The activities have helped Konica Minolta strengthen, from the early stages of R&D and product planning, development of new products and services that reduce environmental impact throughout the life cycle. Furthermore, the company's comprehensive green initiatives have prompted its global production sites to evolve their energy- and resource-saving efforts, as well as encouraged environmentally-considerate sales and services. In April 2013, Konica Minolta reorganized its management system and has been focused on solving problems faced by customers and society as “One Konica Minolta.” In its environmental activities, the whole company shares common goals and work together as one. Such strategic direction and extensive development of the initiatives have received first-tier ratings in international CSR and SRI (socially responsible investment) assessments.

At Eco-Products 2013, Konica Minolta shows advanced, global initiatives and breakthrough environmental technologies with recognitions and awards by many organizations, including “Incentive Award in 2013 Award for 3R-oriented Sustainable Technology” for the originally developed technology for recycling cerium oxide polishing material.

Outline of Konica Minolta Booth

Themes Contents
Long- and Mid-Term Goals Eco Vision 2050 and “Three Green Activities”
MFP and Solutions Contributing to Customers’ Environmental Impact Reduction Environmentally responsible solutions including OPS*2 and cloud
Advanced Environmental Technologies Helping Resource Recycling in Society Original development of recycled PC*3/PET (sustainable plastic) and rare earth recycle system
Film Technology Contributing Future of Global Environment Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) lighting, functional window film and high-durability film mirror
Environmental Awareness and Education Planetarium show (in Japanese only)
Three Green Activities: Green Products Certification System, Green Factory Certification System and Green Marketing Activities
OPS: Optimized Print Services
PC: Polycarbonate, a type of thermoplastic resin

Konica Minolta Booth

No. 4-001, East 4 Hall

Overview of Eco-Products 2013

Dates December 12 (Thu.) – December 14 (Sat.), 2013
Venue Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center)
Organized by Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMAI)
Nikkei Inc.
Expected number of exhibitors 750
Expected number of visitors 185,000 (178,501 in 2012)

For additional information on Konica Minolta's environmental efforts, please visit

For additional information on Eco-Products 2013, please visit

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