Konica Minolta among “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World”: Social and Environmental Efforts Receive Global Recognition

Tokyo (February 4, 2011) –Konica Minolta Holdings Inc., (Konica Minolta) is pleased to announce that it has been listed among “2011 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” (the Global 100), a global list of corporations that excel in sustainability.

Corporate Knights, the magazine for clean capitalism, in cooperation with its partners has announced annual list of the Global 100 since 2005. Focusing on sustainability of corporations, the Global 100 analyses a number of companies and their activities on a global scale based on environmental, social, governance and financial data. Among approximately 3,500 companies around the globe, a list of top 100 has been selected through multiple layers of strict review process.

Konica Minolta regards corporate social responsibility (CSR) as corporate management itself and globally promotes social sustainability activities in every way. For a recent example, Konica Minolta initiated its own “Green Factory Certification System” to assess comprehensive environmental consideration at production sites in January 2010. As many as five business units already achieved their targets in CO2 emissions reduction in January 2011, when those targets are meant to be achieved by the end of March 2012. It is a sign of continuing environmental initiatives supported by high motivation.

Konica Minolta believes that the listing on the Global 100 reflects its group-wide efforts toward social and environmental consideration.

Besides the Global 100, Konica Minolta has been ranked in the SAM Silver Class of the sustainability rating by the Switzerland-based SAM Group, and included in Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index by Dow Jones and SAM Group, FTSE4Good Global Index of the UK-based FTSE Group and the Japan-based Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index.

By providing products and services through development of innovative technologies, Konica Minolta will continue efforts to create new businesses that help global environment and contribute to sustainable development of human society.

For additional information on Konica Minolta's CSR and environmental efforts, visit

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