About Konica Minolta

Message from the CEO

Sustainability at the heart of management

Since the 2003 management integration that created the Konica Minolta of today, sustainability has been at the heart of the Group’s management. In 2020, when we envisioned what society would be like a decade later in 2030, we used this illustration to backcast and identify five material issues for the Group. Though there is an urgent need to restore our performance in the challenging business environment we face today, our management policy remains unchanged: we will aim to enhance our corporate value over the medium-to long-term by contributing to solving social issues through our business activities based on the aforementioned five material issues.
In fiscal 2022, we established new environmental targets for addressing climate change, one of our material issues. Even before that and in advance of our peers, we established a bold target of reaching Carbon Minus status by fiscal 2030 in fiscal 2017, and have even moved foward this target’s achievement year to fiscal 2025. Carbon Minus refers to the state of using our businesses to help reduce CO2 emitted not only by us but also by our customers and society as a whole across Scopes 1, 2 and 3, and the goal of thereby reaching negative total CO2 emissions. We will achieve this, and simultaneously grow our earnings, through unprecedented work to pitch the emissions-reducing environmental value of our office, Professional Print, and other businesses. Also, we have set a target to achieve Net Zero CO2 emissions across Scopes 1, 2, and 3 by fiscal 2050, and we are accelerating reductions in Konica Minolta product lifecycles. Separately, with regard to the material issue of using limited resources effectively, we have set a new target of reducing natural resource use in our products by 90% from fiscal 2019 levels by fiscal 2050, and have been taking measures to achieve the target.
One element not yet mentioned that is absolutely essential for sustainable corporate growth is human capital. Even the very best high-level strategies are nothing without the employees on the frontlines who actually implement them and make them work, and we are therefore committed to supporting and uplifting our talent to instill passion and pride in their work. Our global employee survey will absorb employee feedback for driving greater organizational capability, with a goal of achieving the industry average employee engagement score of 7.7 in fiscal 2025, and reaching the top 25% of industry peers in fiscal 2030.
In order for our management to more profoundly commit to addressing climate change, and supporting and uplifting human capital, we have incorporated our CO2 emissions reduction rate and employee engagement score in evaluations for medium-term stock bonuses(performance-linked) for Directors and Executive Officers as of fiscal 2023. This will help make our officers more mindful not only of ROE and other financial targets, but also building greater non-financial capital, and will lead to further enhancement of corporate value.

Achieving corporate growth through greater sustainability of society

We are entering a new Medium-term Business Plan period as of fiscal 2023. Fiscal 2023 marks the 150th anniversary of our company’s founding and the 20th anniversary of our management integration. My aim is to make this year one that is remembered as a major turning point toward a new beginning for Konica Minolta. During this upcoming plan, we will utilize our material issues as guideposts for creating even more robust businesses that help to resolve society’s issues, driving greater growth.
As we take these steps forward, I humbly ask for your ongoing support and understanding, whether shareholder, investor, customer, or employee.

Toshimitsu Taiko
Director, President and CEO,
Representative Executive Officer
Konica Minolta, Inc.
October 2023